It’s approaching that time in the semester when you’re completely unmotivated to do anything and wish all your finals were over already. Everyone is completely stressed to the max. You realize that you have multiple papers to write, several assignments to finish, and five midterms to accomplish in the next month,and the only thing you want to do is take a nap and forget you have responsibilities. It has become so difficult to concentrate in class that you end up spending class thinking of a thousand other things. Here are some of the things that probably have ran through your mind while you couldn’t focus in class:
1. How many more minutes are left until this is over?
2. If I walked out now, would the professor notice?
3. I have an exam in this class next week so I probably shouldn’t walk out.
4. I think I’m going to drop out of school.
5. I don’t even understand what this exam is on.
6. I should probably go to office hours this week.
7. I probably shouldn’t go out this weekend and study.
8. Who am I kidding? I’m totally going out this weekend.
9. I think I’m going to change my major.
10. This would be my third time changing my major.
11. I’m never going to graduate on time.
12. I hope this professor will let us out early.
13. This professor has never let us out early.
14. I really should have eaten before this class.
15. I have so much homework to do tonight.
16. The kid sitting in front of me is so cute.
17. I should start paying attention in this class.
18. Ugh, when is this class going to be over?
19. I totally could have skipped this class.
20. This nap after class is going to be glorious.
21. I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.
22. I’m totally not going to remember that.
23. Why did people tell me this class was going to be easy?
24. Wait there’s a pop quiz?
25. Well I’m screwed.
26. Why is the person in front of me watching Netflix?
27. I would appreciate this more if they we’re watching something I liked.
28. Should I answer this snap during class?
29. I feel like people will notice.
30. Okay I’m going to answer it.
31. The person sitting behind me definitely saw me take that.
32. Is this class over yet?
33. It’s finally over.
34. Well now that it’s over, I should probably go learn everything I should have been learning in class.
35. Actually, I think I’m going to take a nap and call it a day.
We’ve all been forced to sit in a miserably boring class. Whether the class is only an hour and twenty minutes or three hours long, it still can be insufferable no matter what. It’s understandable to be focusing on anything other than the class in order to get through those unbearable lectures.