For incoming college freshman who have lived at home all of their lives, it is definitely a hard transition. You go from living under your parents roof to living on your own in a tiny dorm room with a roommate. It is such a scary feeling, but it is also quite the rollercoaster. Throughout your first year of college, you're adjusting to new things such as waking up for 8am classes, having more school work to do, college food, and trying to balance a social life with all of it. It can be quite challenging. To any incoming freshman that is currently reading this article, just know that freshman year is supposed to be one of the easiest years in your college career, so enjoy it! Here are twenty thoughts that every college freshman (hey, even every college student) has throughout their first few semesters of college.
1. "How in the world did I survive seven plus hours of high school a day, when now I can barely make it through my one class."
2. "Maybe I can wake up earlier tomorrow to finish that?"
3. **Tomorrow comes** **Hits snooze button**
5. "Is it Friday yet?"
6. "God the food is awful."
7. "Should I work out, eat, study, socialize, or cry?"
8. "Can I become a billionaire while I lay in bed for the rest of my life?"
9. "When I finish my homework, next thing you know, there is more homework to do..."
10. "Why is the WiFi sooooo slow!!"
11. " Cancelled class is a gift from god."
12. "Snow day?"
13. "I am going to take a twelve hour nap, see ya."
14. "I wish I had filled out more scholarship applications."
15. "Why does she look so cute, and it is only Monday? I'm wearing sweatpants and no makeup!"
16. "Can these gen ed classes be done already?"
17. "Still don't know what I want to do with my life..."
18. "Maybe if I make my bed I'll be less tempted to take a nap."
19. "How many more years of this?!"
20. "I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, so I'll act like I do and maybe no one will notice."
21. Why did I think it was a good idea to register for an 8am class?"
22. **trips and falls** "Oh god, I hope no one saw that."
24. "I hate people."
25. "That's it, I'm dropping out."
26. "I miss home."
27. "When is winter break?"
28. "When is spring break?"
29. "I just need to keep studying."
30. "I should get some microwave meals so I don't have to deal with the college food."
31. "I don't need to go to bed yet, I'll be fine."
32. "Oh god I need to get more sleep."
33. "Do I have time to print my paper before class?"
34. "What is more important right now? Dinner, homework, or sleep?"
35. **Get's free t-shirt with school logo on it** "I have five of these already..."