Living with someone in a small, confined, little space is quite the experience. You form a bond no one will ever know or understand, and no one will ever break it. Your roommate gets you like no other and knows when to tell you how it is. And she's not afraid to do so (“You're not going out like thatare you?"). The beauty of it is that you have someone to do everything with… like go to the store, grab a coffee, or get dinner. Or the more important activities like napping at the same time. They are your life coaches and your motivational push out the door when you really contemplate going to that early morning class. As the year goes on, she becomes your right hand. Your go-to.
The proximity of your things in the room is just as close as you are to each other, so here are some pretty common phrases you probably exchange on the daily.
1. "I'm really hungry. Let's eat."
2. "What time are you planning on going to bed tonight?"
3. "I saw that hot guy on campus today. We made eye contact so you could say it's getting pretty serious."
4. "I really don't think I can go on with life anymore."
5. "Do you have a lot of homework tonight?"
6. "Let's go out this weekend."
7. "Look at this text I got today."
8. "Can I borrow that shirt you wore the other day?"
9. *She leaves for class* "Have a beautiful day! I will miss you so much! Be safe!"
10. "Do you mind if I have a K-cup? I will replace it when I buy some."
11. "We need more snacks in this room."
12. "We should probably clean up some."
13. "Do you think 'you-know-who' will be out this weekend?"
14. "What should I respond to this text?"
15. "You should've seen this girl's outfit I saw today."
16. "I can't do this homework. I really can't. It's just not happening right now."
17. "Life is not happening right now."
18. "Let's watch a movie tonight."
19. "Is it bad that I ate two lunches today?"
20. "Does this room smell weird to you?"
21. "Help me pick out an outfit."
22. "We need to go to the store."
23. "You need to date him."
24. "Did you just fart?"
25. "What if we rearranged the room?"
26. "Meet me for lunch today. And dinner. And post-dinner snack."
27. "Can I shower first?"
28. "Please don't tell me you're wearing that..."
29. "How was class?"
30. "Is it my turn to take out the trash?"
31. "What if I just didn't go to class today?"
32. "Quiz me really quick, please."
33. "Get in this Snapchat with me!"
34. "Did he ever text you back?"
35. "I love you lots, roomie."
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