So lets face it, everyone has probably had to ride the cat bus a time or two to get to one place or another. There are many different things that could be running through your head while waiting or even on the bus and this is a list of some of the most common ones.
1. Wait which side of the road is the bus stop that I want?
2. I'll just get over here until I read the bus.
3. What time is this thing supposed to get here?
4. What do you mean full? I need to get home, too.
5. Its not like it will be full for the rest of the year people will eventually stop going to class.
6. Can I get on the express?
7. Should I ask someone? Lol be real I'm not asking anyone
9. Hey, I got here before they did and they are getting on before me what the heck.
10. Oh my god, I think I am going the wrong way. Oh no I'm right, thank God.
11. I smell sweat. Someone got hot waiting on the bus.
12. Oh,God, I got hot waiting on the bus please don't be me smelling.
13. Nope, it was him.
14. How many stops until I am supposed to get off?
15. Hey it stops at Bi-Lo. Crap I need groceries lets text the group to see if anyone else wants to go.
16. Why are you reading my messages get out of my phone?
17. Wow those apartments are pretty, I should live there.
18. Or there
19. Wait, what does this button do?
20. Wait, that was the stop button and this isn't my stop! CRAP.
21. Someone please get off; Someone please get off.
22. Fantastic, no one got off now I look like an Idiot.
23. Okay, never doing that again. Hopefully someone else on this bus lives where I do because they will have to push the button.
24. Oh, my God, where are we? Did I miss it when I was texting?
25. Shit
26. I think I missed my stop. Now I'm stuck on the bus forever.
27. Oh, no. Not yet. I remember this.
28. I am never getting home. Honestly, this is where I have to stay until I die.
29. I should just ask for help. HAHAHA be real I'm not asking anyone.
31. Wow, there are so many people getting off here.
32. I better move before I get ran over by this car.
33. I'm never riding the bus again.
34. What? A party downtown?
35. We should take the bus.