18. Go to Mardi Gras | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

35 Things On My Bucket List

"Oh, the places you'll go!"


So, I know this might seem like a lot, but I've found that when you make a bucket list and set these goals for yourself, you're much more likely to achieve things. For example, just this year I have been able to cross off going to Poland, Italy, Austria and Germany as well as learning how to play chess and visiting a salt mine.

1. Go to France

Specifically, to see the Mona Lisa.

3. Go to Japan

4. Go to Greece

5. Go to London


6. Go to LA


7. Go to Brazil

8. Go to Africa

9. Go to Holland

10. Become fluent in Italian

Even though I made a C in Italian 201.

11. Learn fluent French

Maybe some of my old skills from high school French class will come back to me.

12. Learn fluent Spanish

13. Learn sign language

14. Move to New York


For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to live in New York. Before I ever even visited I thought it was the most magical place on Earth.

16. Watch the ball drop in Times Square

17. Visit Budapest

18. Go to Mardi Gras

19. Go skydiving

I have a friend who went skydiving twice this year and said it was amazing.

20. Go see Ellen

Because Ellen is my role model.

21. Donate Plasma

This one seems easy, but I actually have a health problem that has prohibited me from donating in the past. But, I have hope that one day I will pass the test.

22. Re-learn piano

23. Take a first aid course

24. Meet a psychic 

25. Attend a presidential inauguration 

26. Sleep in a haunted house

27. Visit Coney Island

29. Donate 10,000 grains on Freerice

For every question the user answers correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated via the World Food Programme.

30. Learn more about WW1

31. Take my dog to the beach

32. Visit the Edgar Allen Poe Museum 

33. Visit the Full House house in San Francisco 

35. Take an art class

My actual bucket list is two whole pages long. This is just a condensed and more fun version. There are a few things that I know won't happen anytime soon (like adopting a baby). So these are a little more practical. I also have a couple of really boring ones like learning how to bake bread and finally visiting someone I haven't seen in a few years. I love being able to look at this list that I made years ago and see all the things I've been able to check off. I like to see it and imagine that one day I will have finished everything on the list.

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