Almost everyone at some point will get their third molars out, otherwise known as your wisdom teeth. Here are some tips on how to survive this painful time.
- You'll feel weird after you wake up.
- Before you have surgery, scope out Netflix, Hulu, and on demand for shows to watch.
- You'll swell like a chipmunk.
- Eat a lot of soft food.
- Make sure your appointment is in the morning so you don't starve all day.
- If you don't want any embarrassing videos, ask to be put under if your insurance will cover it.
- Do not eat before your surgery.
- You get to eat a lot of ice cream.
- Mashed potatoes are pretty great.
- You'll crave regular foods.
- Don't sleep on your side.
- Ice 20 minutes on, 30 off.
- Heat after 3 days.
- Sleep is good.
- Don't push yourself when eating.
- Always rinse your mouth out when eating. Even if it's a little bite.
- Dry sockets are more common then you think.
- Don't be home alone if you don't have to be.
- Prepare to not be productive for at least 4 days.
- It's best to sleep in a recliner or sitting up for the first few days.
- You'll bleed. A lot.
- The first three days are the worst days.
- If you're lucky, you won't experience a lot of pain. If not, good luck. Most people deal with the pain. Everyone reacts differently.
- No heavy lifting especially if you got stitches.
- Soft foods for a week.
- Take before and after pictures. Show your friends how much of a chipmunk you are.
- Don't stress yourself out too much. The end is near
- Keep up on icing and pain medicine.
- Don't bend down if you don't have too, you'll get lightheaded.
- Believe it or not, the actual surgery only takes about 15-30 minutes.
- Stay hydrated
- Keep an eye out for fevers.
- Know the signs of a dry socket. If any show, call your dentist right away.
- Don't eat salty foods while you still have open wounds. It'll hurt.
- Wear the comfiest clothes you own