I've always wanted that picture-perfect Disney movie romance every girl dreams of. You know, the one where the guy meets the girl, they fall in love, and live happily ever after? Where's the part of those movies where they realize they aren't only meant for each other in love, but because they are just the best duo of friends they could ask for? I'm happy my life isn't a movie, because if it was I might've never found my boyfriendbest friend.
1. You have a shoulder to cry on...
2. And a (nice) physical shoulder to cry on too.
3. He'll be straight up with you...
4. But still care enough about your feelings to phrase it nicely.
5. Not every moment has to be picture-perfect good.
6. Sometimes the moments that aren't are the more fun ones.
7. You can gossip to him about anything,
8. And he always tells you all the boy drama too.
9. You don't have to spend every second around each other...
10. But enjoy it when you can.
11. You can sit together on a bed but not feel pressured to make out...
12. But you know deep down that he's a great kisser and you want to.
13. You can eat whatever you want around him...
14. And in big servings too.
15. He sometimes lets you get the bill at restaurants, but not always.
16. You feel comfortable hanging out with his friends when he's not around,
17. And together you never make anyone feel like a third wheel.
18. He comes to you for advice about anything...
19. And vice versa.
20. He's comfortable when you hang with your guy friends...
21. And you're comfortable when he hangs with his girl friends.
22. You can talk for hours about literally anything, and nothing is too awkward.
23. You tend to finish each others sentences...
24. And have a lot of inside jokes.
25. He's taught you so much about yourself, and pushes you to be the best version of yourself.
26. He's also helped you with your math when you have no idea what you are doing.
27. There is no judgement when it comes to 2 a.m. pizza cravings...
28. Or of your killer dance moves (not talking about grinding, my friends).
29. He's seen you all natural; no makeup, hair in bun, PJs on...
30. And tells you that you're still gorgeous.
31. You take more goofy pictures together than normal ones...
32. And can make each other laugh by saying one word.
33. He's there when you need a friend...
34. But he knows when to step up and treat you like a princess too.
35. And while you feel like you found your "other half," in reality, it's because you've found your best friend too.