Although college students have lived long enough to learn
how to do simple things such as laundry, cooking and cleaning they still get
confused on many simple aspects of life. Whether you don’t know how to un-shrink your
favorite shirt or how long you should cook a meal for there is always one
person you go to for the questions you can’t seem to answer, your mom. Here are
some questions that college students ask their moms on the daily.
1. Can I put this in the washing machine?
2. How about the dryer?
3. How do I get this wine stain out
4. What do I use to clean the bathroom?
5. Is
5. Is fruit supposed to be this expensive?
6. Can you do my taxes for me?
7. Can I eat this cheese even if it expired 3 days ago?
8. How do I un-shrink this?
9. How many Advils can I take at once?
10. Can I have some of your wine?
11. Do I have to separate my colors and whites?
12. But what will happen if I don’t?
13. Do I use cold water or hot water for the washing machine?
14. How long do I cook the chicken for?
15. But how do I know when it’s done?
16. Is it supposed to look like that?
17. Wait so what do I put on my taxes?
18. What’s my social security number?
19. What is the difference between all these butters?
20. How many stamps do I need to send a letter?
21. I’m sick what do I take?
22. Will you schedule me a doctor’s appointment?
23. So to renew my prescription I just call?
24. What does this symbol mean on my clothes?
25. How do I turn on the vacuum?
26. Do you know where my keys are?
27. How about my purse?
28. How do I make the pasta you make?
29. How often should I wash my sheets?
30. What aisle is the soap in?
31. How did you know that so quickly?
32. Is this dishwasher safe?
33. Can you sew this for me?
34. How do I adult?
35. How have you put up with me for so long?
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