My sister is my mini-me, partner-in-crime, and best friend. Don’t get me wrong, we still have our arguments over stolen clothing, but there’s no one I’d rather annoy 24/7 than her. However, I never quite show you how much you’re appreciated by me. So, here are a few things that we should all thank our siblings for.
Some are relatable, yet some are unique, but overall these are some powerful thank yous that go a long way to the person who has always been there for me and will continue to be a shining light in my life. Let's begin.
1. Thank you for being annoying when I tell you to stop.
2. Thank you for always pushing my buttons.
3. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on.
4. Thank you for being honest with me.
5. Thank you for being brutally honest with me when I’m trying clothes on.
6. Thank you for giving me advice even when I don’t listen to it.
7. Thank you for listening to me vent about the same thing over and over again.
8. Thank you for being my favorite person to gossip with.
9. Thank you for defending me to our parents.
10. Thank you for showing me unconditional love.
11. Thank you for growing up under my wing.
12. Thank you for never giving up on me.
13. Thank you for spending money on me when I’m poor.
14. Thank you for buying my pizza at midnight.
15. Thank you for going to concerts with me.
16. Thank you for teaching me that I deserve the best of the best.
17. Thank you for pushing me to better myself.
18. Thank you for listening to my advice when you don’t want to.
19. Thank you for singing in the car with me.
20. Thank you for always being a sore loser, because I am too.
21. Thank you for making me laugh when I’m upset.
22. Thank you for giving me my clothes back after you steal them.
23. Thank you for letting me steal your clothes.
24. Thank you for being my go-to roadie buddy.
25. Thank you for keeping me sane at family parties.
26. Thank you for giving me a best friend that I will never lose.
27. Thank you for giving me argument practice for the past 19 years.
28. Thank you for teaching me forgiveness.
29. Thank you for getting into trouble with me.
30. Thank you for taking the blame, sometimes.
31. Thank you for never apologizing after a fight, but instead asking if I want to get food.
32. Thank you for endless amounts of sleepovers.
33. Thank you for adventuring with me.
34. Thank you for breaking rules with me.
35. Thank you for everything you’ve done to help me become the person I am today.
There are definitely hundreds of other things I could thank you for, so hopefully, those 35 will suffice. You’ve been with me through everything, and I cannot wait to see where our futures lead us. But for now, continue to annoy me every day because we never know what the next day brings.