Whether they're random or your best friends, roommates share a special bond with you. Living together means seeing each other at your best and worst, knowing each others favorites and dislikes, and making memories that you don't have with just anybody. The more roommates you have the more hair you have all over the apartment, the more loudness you have distracting you from homework and the more people you have to have fun with. Here are a few of the things that happen when you have a lot of roommates.
1. There are shoes everywhere.
2. Also hairballs everywhere.
3. LITERALLY EVERYWHERE, in the shower, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the washing machine, on the couch.
4. You battle over what the temperature should be.
5. Everyone has a designated shelf in the fridge and cabinets.
6. But there is still never enough room for all your food
7. You go through community food items real quick, like butter and cream cheese.
8. You run the dishwasher every other day.
9. You always happen to want to do laundry when someone else is.
10. So many closets to pick from.
11. When one roommate gets sick all the roommates get sick.
12. You never get homework done.
13. If you run out of anything someone else will let you borrow some.
14. You are way too comfortable with each other.
15. You perfectly fit on the couch, no room for more people.
16. You named your place.
17. People group you guys together when they reference you.
18. Because you literally are a pack.
19. You have a group text.
20. You have multiple personal stylists.
21. You binge watch TV shows together.
22. You can always get a couple opinions before making a big decision or just a big purchase.
23. Or sending risky texts.
24. Or Instagramming.
25. You have a system to know who is home and who isn’t like a key rack.
26. You know how to get on each others nerves.
27. You always have someone to share pizza with at any time of the day.
28. You take endless amounts of roommate pictures.
29. Someone is always up for late night discussions.
30. Things sometimes get weird…. Really weird.
31. You’ve seen each other at your highs and lows.
32. You know everyone’s schedule.
33. There is always a lot of singing going on.
34. They are your second family.
35. You have an endless amount of memories together
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