After a long year, the camp season has finally begun. Only a week has gone by and us counselors are quickly discovering — or rediscovering — the day-to-day challenges that come with the job. Here are some thoughts we have all had at least once so far:
1. You don't need to go to the nurse (but of course we both know I'll be taking you).
2. How can such a small child eat so much food?
3. Am I getting paid enough for this? (probably not).
4. I'm so tired.
5. It's so hot.
6. Do I really have to go in the pool?
7. This chlorine is destroying my hair.
8. Ugh, not basketball again.
9. Where the hell is the specialist?
10. I swear if one more kid has to go to the bathroom...
11. How many hours left?
12. OMG I love my kids.
13. They're all so cute.
14. They're so annoying.
15. I'm starving.
16. What is the fascination with throwing rocks?
17. Oh, kid drama… (I'm sorry she wouldn't hold your hand but I promise girls can be a lot meaner).
18. My tan lines are awful.
19. Do I really have to participate?
20. I'm going to get fat from all these chicken fingers... and mac and cheese... and Fudgsicles.
21. Am I missing a kid?
22. This one piece is making going to the bathroom so much more difficult.
23. Is the next activity inside?
24. If I sit down will I get yelled at?
25. Will I really make it to the gym later? Nope.
26. I can't wait to go to sleep before 11 p.m.
27. Thank god for my co-counselors.
29. It's kind of cool having this much authority.
30. Does it make me popular if they all fight to hold my hand?
31. Wow this kid really looks up to me.
32. I hate my job.
33. I love my job.
Being a camp counselor is challenging work. Some people may look down upon the fact that you're spending summers as a counselor rather than interning or getting a "real job," but in reality being a counselor IS a real and important job. Just like being teachers, our responsibility is to help build and shape minds in positive ways, so kids can grow up to be successful in life.
Any parent can argue that having kids is hard. What's different about us is that we are handling up to or around 35 kids at a time! Any parent can also argue that kids are amazing. I definitely agree and personally love being a witness to kids trying something new for the first time and loving it, or succeeding in any way. In reality, most of your campers won't remember you years from now, but you'll remember them and the ways that they brought out the best in you. The countless smiles on kids' faces truly keep me going through the long day and absolutely outweigh the difficulty that is being a camp counselor.
So, go to camp tomorrow and try to look past the complaining and endless questions. Enjoy your job, because deep down you know you wouldn't want to be doing anything else.