I recently read an Odyssey article about questions this student had about her University and I thought that I did have many questions for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. So here is a list of what I would like to know.
1. When or how did the gum tree thing start?
2. What's the story behind it?
3. Why is the hill so big?
4. Why is the cafeteria not open late on the weekends?
5. What is a Blugold and why couldn't they name it after a real animal or something?
6. Which dorm really is the best to live in?
7. Why is Hibbard Hall so hot all the time?
8. How come there is literally no seating in The Davies Center?
9. Why do I still have to pay for text books when there is a free rental system?
10. Why is there a piano in Davies?
11. Why don't we give more props to the track and field and cross country teams? They're doing pretty well.
12. How did we get to be the biggest band in the division three district? Not to mention the best.
13. Why is it so cold all the time?
14. Why are we the fifth coldest city in the US?
15. Why is campus so gorgeous?
16. Why aren't the sidewalks also heated?
17. What's in the caf brownies that make them so delicious?
18. Who is Simon and why is Mt. Simon named after him?
19. Did you really go to UWEC if you don't post a comment/picture/video of the past presidential candidates being on campus?
20. What's the best country to study abroad from?
21. Why are the guts in Erberts and Gerbert's the best part of their sandwiches?
22. Why is there always construction on campus?
23. Does the hill really ever get any better?
24. Why is Einstein's so good in the morning?
25. Do you really go to UWEC if you don't get bridge face?
26. Where's the best place to ponder? Putnam Rock, the Bridge, or the second floor of centennial in front of the big windows?
27. Why are there lottery parking passes?
28. Why is there never any parking anywhere, anytime of the day?
29. Are the summers really worth staying for?
30. Is there anything better than floating down the Chippewa River on a hot day before classes start?
31. Which coffee is better, Einstein's or The Cabin's?
32. Which floor of the Library is the best?
33. Why is University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire the best?
Hopefully someone can answer these for me or hopefully it gets you thinking about your University.