After recently getting all of my wisdom teeth out, I thought I should write about my thoughts during the process, which are some things that they forget to mention in the pamphlet they give you.
1. How is the first available appointment four months away??
Between college breaks, vacations, and not to mention the surgeon's schedule, the scheduling part might just be the hardest part.
2. I'm not nervous at all
I mean like guys, I already have four wisdom teeth in my mouth, could it get worse? Yes.. it can
3. I only need to come ten minutes early?
Ten minutes early to surgery? I mean I like what you are doing here doctor, but are you sure you don't want some more time?
5. This kind of just seems like a regular appointment
6. Why is everyone so relaxed?
I appreciate the confidence, but hello you will be tearing teeth out of my head in a couple minutes, let's show some emotion here people.
7. Oh, goodnight?
I did not get the countdown that they give people in the movies..
9. Is my tongue still here?
10. I should probably stick my fingers in just to be sure
11. Yikes, no need to yell at me nurse
I just don't see what the big deal is.. What is going on??
12. You mean I need to get up now? I don't think I can even see straight
14. Hey everyone in my recents on Snapchat, WHAT’S UP!!!
15. “Mom, I just need an iced coffee… like right now”
Thank god for Starbucks and their new lids without the straw!
16. Are my teeth going to be bloody forever?
Uhh.. can whitening strips fix this?
17. Time to take the gauze out… yeah not pretty
19. I guess I could use a short nap.. Or a six hour one, who knows
21. I wish I could go back to the numb and slightly drunk phase of this experience
22. Wait, my mom recorded that car ride? AND it’s on Facebook?
Eh, at least I can watch what I will never remember.
24. Two hours later... my friends were not dramatic… this is no fun at all
26. Oh God, I think I’m going to puke
Turns out 24/7 ice cream is not good for the stomach.. Neither is not eating before taking your medicine. The lesson has been learned.
29. Well, we need to put a pep in the recovery step, I have plans to attend to
Yeah, these plans got cancelled.
30. I think I will try to get a workout in today, I’m feeling pretty good!!
What a mistake.
31. I need to practice chewing before going out into public.. Yikes
All in all, it is not the end of the world getting your wisdom teeth out. As long as you give yourself time to rest and heal, you should be ready to eat more than ice cream within a week. Unless you prefer not to.