Being Gay is Not a Disease
Too many people act like anyone who is openly gay is "contagious." Please know that it's not going to kill you to be friends or nice to someone that is gay.
Singleness is Not Equivalent to Loneliness
You need to learn that if you are or someone else is single it does not mean that they need pity or empathy. Singleness is actually a great place to be in for a season.
Sweetness is Always Attractive
If you want to be attractive, then be sweet.
Intentionality is Everything
You should know that in everything you do you should be intentional. I find this crucial when you meet new people or if you want to grown your relationships.
Don’t Do Life Alone
I could preach about this all day. It is so important to not isolate yourself and to surround yourself with people that encourage and love you.
There is a Difference in Joy And Happiness
Learn what gives you a temporary feeling of happiness and what gives you an eternity of joy. If you haven't found what makes you joyful, then that's okay. Just keep looking. Hint: In actuality the only thing you can receive joy from is Jesus.
Always Tell Someone How You Feel
I am a firm believer in being honest about your feelings, although sometimes I fail to do so.
Meekness is not Weakness
Just because you or someone else is naturally gifted to be submissive or humble does not mean you or they are weak.
Respect Everyone, Especially Yourself
If you want to be respected then learn how to respect yourself and others.
Never Speak Badly of Your Parents
This can be tough to do because your parents are humans and they are not invincible. It's okay if you slip up and need to rant, but do not make a habit out of it. It is not healthy for your own sanity.
Being Young Does Not Disqualify You
Believe in yourself despite your age.
Be Present in Every Moment
Don't live life trying to get from one place to another; always rushing. Learn to stop and be in the now.
The World Does Not Define You
The world will only define you when you have not defined yourself. This is why singleness is so important. During singleness, you really get to define your identity.
Bad Days Will Happen
It is inevitable. Relax and give yourself and those around you enough grace to get through the bad days.
If Someone Brings Out The Worse in You, RUN!
If you notice something in yourself that you don't like, you need to examine where it stems from. You may be surprised to learn that it may be a trait you picked up from the people that you have chosen to surround yourself with. If so, then it's time to have a conversation or leave.
You Pick Your Family
This is very important. In a world full of broken homes, I believe it will save a lot of heartbreak if we realize that blood does not make you family. If you have a toxic family, then it is up to you to find yourself some people that create life-giving relationships.
Having a Servant’s Heart is a Perspective Changer
I have made it my life goal that wherever I am or whoever I am with, I will have a servant's mentality. If you enter every situation with the mindset that you are going to serve and love on people, then it will change the complete atmosphere of the situation.
Negativity is Never Cute
Stay away from negative people, it will completely change your attitude.
Pointing Out Other People's Flaws and Failures Will Not Make Yours Disappear​
Are you constantly bringing up someone else's failures? It's may feel good for a moment, but if you don't make a conscience effort to stop speaking badly of others then you will never be satisfied with you are as a person.
Suicide is Never an Option
I can speak from personal experience on this one. Suicide may look like an easy way out, but it's not. It will leave a destructive path behind for your family and friends. If you are having suicidal thoughts then talk with someone and know that it will not last forever. Life will get better. Just ask the girl that wanted to die at a young age.
Who You Choose to Marry Will Either be Your Biggest Blessing or Heaviest Burden
When Looking For Someone to Date Choose Someone That Compliments You
Don't look for someone to complete you. You are not a "half," you are already completed. You need someone that compliments your life.
Be Bold Enough to Speak to Strangers
I don't mean you have to speak to every stranger you come in contact with, but you should be comfortable enough to have a genuine conversation with the cashier at Walmart or the girl sitting next to you in class.
Compliments Should be Apart of Your Everyday Language
Compliments are the quickest way to make someone's day.
Not Everyone Has to Know Everything About You, But One Person Should
There should be one person in your life that you can tell your failures, dreams, heartaches, and successes to.
Find Someone That Makes You Laugh And Never Let Them Go
Laughter is the best thing that God ever created. Laughter can solve almost any problem.
If You Are Not Already a Hugger, Then Learn to Become a Hugger
It's amazing what a hug can do.
Be Open Minded
There are so many different people with different interest, beliefs, and values. If you are open minded then it will help you to love people in the best way possible.
Never Become Allergic to Hard-Work
My high school basketball team used to have a quote on our t-shirts. It said, "Hard-work beats talent when talent hardly works." Hard-work will take you places that you normally could not go.
You Should Treat Your Waiter/Waitress Like Royalty
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat their waiter/waitress.
Have Goals
Many people are quick to say they have goals without actually having specific goals in mind. You need to take the time to write out your goals then come up with a plan to achieve them.
Make Time For What’s Important to You
The main area where I see where effort is lacking is in friendships. Many people lose touch with friends because they don't make the time or put forth the effort that is needed to maintain strong relationships.