Good ol' Dixon; home of the Bulldogs, Homeplate Grill, one professional basketball player and a random old shoe factory.
1) You see (almost) as much camo at the prom as you do on opening day of deer season.
2) Cow Days is a holiday for you--you even get out of school early because of it.
3) It's not weird to you that your fall festival is named after a farm animal.
4) You've never had food delivered to your house, because no restaurants deliver that far.
5) You know that the Cow Days parade features the best of the best: emergency vehicles, tractors, vintage cars, muddy four wheelers and horses.
6) "Football, what's that?"
7) You go to the Snackette almost once a week in the summer.
8) You use "the dips" as a landmark for directions.
9) The Frisco League Tournament is one of the biggest social events of the year.
10) Homecoming is more intense than the Olympics--and features more smack talk.
11) Your biggest motivation for joining Pep Club was to get out of class to decorate for Homecoming.
12) You grew up taking field trips to the Pumpkin Patch and you were sad when it shut down.
13) You learned how to drive on gravel roads long before you were 16.
14) Summer days call for floating on the Gasconade or swimming at the Country Club.
15) Summer nights consist of dusty feet from being at the DYRA ballpark.
16) You've spent time on the tennis courts, but you've most likely never played the sport because we don't have it.
17) 90% of the clothes you own are red.
18) Curvy/gravel roads feel like home to you.
19) The only "traffic" you're used to involves; a school bus, a garbage truck, or a tractor.
20) You've been stuck at your house because of the river going over its banks.
21) It was a big deal when you were allowed to walk around Cow Days without your parents.
22) The teachers in your high school ended up being more like friends than teachers.
23) Your middle school days were spent walking around the track.
24) You had to sign up early for a good parking spot in the high school lot.
25) You knew school would be cancelled if there was even an inch of snow. #countryroads
26) You've seen people pull together and support each other through hard times.
27) Your meeting place in town is an old, abandoned grocery store parking lot.
28) You know that the "Dixon Lake" will show up when it rains enough.
29) Rolla and Fort Leonard Wood are the towns you use for reference when you're describing where you're from.
30) You know that basketball ranks above basically everything.
31) You know everyone, so it's strange when you go into the store and see someone you don't recognize.
32) Even though you may get tired of it sometimes, you love your small town and the people in it.
Thanks for the good times and all the love, Dixon.