As Odyssey writers, we all know how annoying it is to experience writer's block from time to time. As of experiencing it myself not too long ago, I have created a list of random article ideas to help get you going and get those creative juices flowing. Some of these ideas might not pertain to you but they might be helpful!
1. What it's like being an out of state student.
2. Letter to the friendships that ended, but not badly.
3. What it means to be a girl who loves sports.
4. XX reasons why I love my major.
5. Why Home Goods is the best store ever created.
6. XX annoying things that happen if you wear glasses.
7. What it's like living with (insert disease).
8. Short girl problems.
9. Things that were popular in middle school that you wouldn't be caught dead with now.
10. Open letter to my ex.
11. Just some cute dogs to get you through your week.
12. Shows they should bring back to Netflix.
13. What ghosting is and why it sucks.
14. The stages of going to Target.
15. How to cut down on procrastination.
16. Things you know to be true if you're a dog owner.
17. Best places to eat in (insert town/city).
18. Best quotes from (movie/tv show).
19. XX thoughts you have during the nicer weather.
20. Disney Channel original movies to watch on your day off.
21. A thank you letter to my dog.
22. XX things all (insert college/university) students know all too well.
23. Websites to go on when bored.
24. Why I write for the odyssey.
25. Why it's important to get the help you need.
26. Things I hate about the typical college scene.
27. XX thoughts you have while at the gym.
28. Best Michael Scott quotes of all time.
29. To the girl just having a crappy day.
30. List of life hacks.
31. Cool things to do in (insert town/city).
32. XX childhood activities that I would get a gold medal in if they were Olympic sports.