The story of Harry Potter is one of the most famous book and movie series in existence. J.K. Rowling gave us a lot of information about many of its characters, making us feel like we know them personally. Therefore, when they are in danger, we are frightened for them. When they go through emotional turmoil, so do we. Here are those moments when our hearts broke:
1. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon treating Harry like a servant while giving Dudley everything under the sun.
He may not be your son, but he is your nephew. Come on!
2. Cedric dying.
If only Harry had decided to be the sole winner of the Triwizard Tournament...
3. Malfoy calling Hermione a "mudblood."
4. Ron risking his life during wizard chess.
Thankfully, he was just knocked out.
5. Sirius dying.
6. Harry drawing himself a birthday cake in the dirt, telling himself to make a wish, and then blowing out the "candles."
7. Hermione getting petrified.
8. Dumbledore dying.
9. Harry staring into the Mirror of Erised because it was the only way he could see his parents...
... and then Dumbledore goes and moves it.
10. Hagrid wrongfully getting sent to Azkaban.
This is paralleling the time he was wrongfully expelled from Hogwarts.
11. Mad-Eye dying.
12. Ginny getting brainwashed by Tom Riddle's diary.
She was seriously the last person I expected to be behind these attacks.
13. Moaning Myrtle revealing how she died to Ron and Harry.
14. Hedwig dying...
... signaling the end of Harry's childhood.
15. Harry not receiving letters from his friends over the summer.
Dobby, we know you were trying to protect Harry and all, but stopping his letters wasn't cool.
16. Buckbeak getting scheduled to be executed because Malfoy was being disrespectful.
Word of advice: Don't call a large creature "a great ugly brute."
17. Dobby dying.
18. The Dementors making Harry fall off of his broom at a Quidditch match.
You left Harry without a broom!
19. Harry hearing his teachers and Fudge talk about how Sirius betrayed his parents.
20. Lupin dying.
21. Harry not being able to live with Sirius.
Why must Sirius be wrongly accused of a crime?
22. Neville's reaction while watching "Mad-Eye Moody" cast the Cruciatus curse.
23. Tonks dying.
24. Cho turning down Harry's Yule Ball invitation.
25. Mr. Weasley getting attacked by Nagini, and Harry seeing it in a dream.
26. Fred dying.
George's reaction was especially upsetting.
27. Umbridge sacking Trelawney and attempting to remove her from the Hogwarts grounds.
28. Ron almost choking to death.
29. Snape dying.
Knowing that he was misunderstood his whole life makes it even worse.
30. George losing an ear.
Although, he didn't take it too hard.
31. Harry visiting his parents' graves for the first time.
32. Harry finding out that Voldemort killed his parents and also attempted to kill him, which is the beginning of this whole series.
Even though we may have shed some tears, there were plenty of happy moments. Overall, the Harry Potter series is a great one.