It's the same routine every day, beginning with five alarms going off. Jumping out of bed, throwing on some clothes that you think are clean and running out the door. These are the thoughts you remember while walking your tired self to class. You gather all of your energy, strength and spirit to walk to class that morning. Whether you plug your headphones in and listen to some rap or country, gossiping with your friends, or just watching people struggle on their way to class, here are some of the thoughts that have passed through mine and many others' heads while walking to class. At least you know you're not the only one thinking the same thing.
1. Oh my God people walk faster... (I'm gonna be late)
2. Am I going to the right place?
3. Sh*t, I wonder if anyone saw me trip.
4. I hate when couples show public affection (#gross).
5. I'm going to die alone.
6. Hit me, car, I'll get free tuition.
7. Why is he/she wearing that? (Don't they know it's winter)
8. Hot guy alert! Hot guy! Hot guy! (Hope I look okay)
9. Crap, did I forget my homework?
10. Where are my keys?
11. I hate this class...why do I need to learn about how to solve for x.
12. Why does this class start at 8 AM.
13. Maybe I should just take a sick day and turn around.
15. Why did I wear this outfit, it's freezing outside.
16. What day of the week is it?
17. (Holds open door for response) "YOU'RE WELCOME!"
18. WOW, people are so rude.
19. I'm hungry, maybe I should stop for food.
20. Where are all my friends around campus?
21. (Laughs) that person just tripped.
22. Since when are there so many hills on this campus?
23. Ugh, too many stairs to climb up (takes elevator).
24. Keeps head down.
25. I hope the professor doesn't show up so I can go back to sleep.
26. Maybe if I sit in the back of the class I can sleep.
27. I need more coffee, this is only my seventh cup.
28. At least I haven't seen my ex-boyfriend yet.
29. Crap, I talked to soon.
30. (Sits down in class) Can I leave now?
31. When does this class even end?