As great as our lives may be sometimes, we all have bad days. For some of us, we ask God, why me? For some of us, having a bad day is a rarity. For others, having a bad day can feel like the end of the world. While having a bad day sucks, sometimes it only takes one small task to turn your frown upside down.
1. If it's a nice day, go outside, lie on the ground, and look up at the sky. It will make you realize how small you are in this large world
2. Read a book
3. Netflix and chill...BY YOURSELF (yes it's a thing)
4. Play with your dog. If you don't have a dog, play with your cat. If you don't have either, go to an animal shelter and have at if. The little creatures will be overjoyed to get your attention.
5. Treat yo' self! Is there a shirt you've been dying to buy? Buy it. Have you been craving ice cream but couldn't get yourself to cheat your diet? Eat it. Are you in need of a spa day? Have it. Treat yourself in moderation, but sometimes you just need to do a little something special for yourself.
6. Hang out with your family. If you're too far away, FaceTime or Skype them. Sometimes all you need is to be surrounded by the people who love you most.
7. Have a girls day. Spend the day watching chick flicks, eating junk food, getting pedicures, etc.
8. Workout. Sometimes all you need is a good run to get your mind off things. You'll leave feeling better than ever.
9. If possible, volunteer! Volunteering might make you realize how easy you have it, or that your problems are nowhere near as bad as someone else's.
10. Do something nice for someone. It could be a simple task like holding the door for them or paying it forward at Starbucks. As they say, the more you give the more you receive.
11. Make a list of everything you're thankful for.
12. Make a list of everything you are looking forward to in life. Whether it's getting married, having kids, a vacation you're planning, your future career as such and such, etc., having something to look forward to always helps.
13. Plan your dream vacation. You might not have the money to go on the vacation right away, but dreaming big gives you hope.
14. Go to church. Not everyone is religious and I understand that, but for those of us who are, sometimes hearing the gospel reminds us that God has a plan for us and that everything will be okay.
15. Try something new. Have you always wanted to learn how to paint? Try it. Have you always wanted to learn how to sew? Sign up for a class. The possibilities are endless! Who knows? You might find a new hobby.
16. Spend the day with your best friend.
17. Go shopping. Don't go crazy, but a little retail therapy doesn't hurt every once in a while!
18. Do your hair and makeup and dress nice. You might not have anywhere to go, but looking nice might persuade you to go out!
19. Compliment someone. Seeing a smile on their face will bring a smile to your face.
20. Look at old pictures, they will bring back so many memories!
21. Take a drive, open the windows, and blast your favorite songs.
22. Travel to a new location. It doesn't have to be exotic, even just the city over. Go somewhere new and explore!
23. Do something you used to love doing as a kid. Coloring or playing with play-do will remind us of the carefree lives we used to live.
24. If you can, take the day off! Unplug from social media and have a YOU day.
25. Go to a park. Seeing effortless beauty will put your minds at ease.
26. Have hope.
27. Make a list of your accomplishment.
28. Make a list of everything you love about yourself.
29. Make a list of things you would like to change or improve about yourself or your life. Keep the list small so you don't overwhelm yourself, but take it one step at a time.
30. Research inspirational quotes. Sometimes someone else's words will put us at ease.
31. Tell yourself it's going to be okay. You may be having a terrible day now, but keep in mind, a thunderstorm can't last forever; the sun will come out eventually.
Keep your head up sunshine, the storm will pass eventually.