Finals week is upon us all. So this means that most of the college campuses will be overrun with insane college students who are trying to make their "D"s into "A"s. "Why can't my 49 be rounded to a 90?" is an accurate representation of how this week is going to go. Here are just a few things that we all need during this next week:
1. Caffeine
2. Coffee
3. Cookie dough
4. Tissues
5. Study breaks
6. All the food
7. Candy
8. Study buddies
9. Friends
10. Library
11. Professors who let you cry in their office
12. Alarm clock
13. Extra phone charger
14. Comfy pants
15. Extension cords
16. TEARS!
17. Flash cards
18. Highlighters
19. Space
20. Study guides
21. Exercise (I won't but others can)
22. Pillows to cuddle with
23. A crying corner
24. Dry shampoo (showers aren't in the plan)
26. Coffee (of course, this needs to be on here twice)
27. All-nighters (what is sleep?)
28. Netflix (sometimes you need to binge watch on your break)
29. Ice cream
30. Schedule (because who keeps their life in order mentally?)
31. Patience (is a virtue)
Let the stress begin. May the odds be ever in your favor.