My first semester at college is over. It actually doesn't seem real. In such a short time period, I have learned a lot about myself. With this in mind, my roommate and I came up with a list of 31 things we learned while here at college (and they're pretty relatable we think):
- Invest in Febreeze – dorm rooms do not always smell good
- Girls shed like dogs
- Be outgoing
- Microwaveable mac and cheese is your best friend
- Dining hall food gets old really fast
- You will appreciate home cooked meals
- Chicago food is missed pretty fast as well
- There’s nothing to do in Iowa (Chicago spoiled us)
- Still unsure if the freshman 15 is real
- Chinese food from the dining hall is not very good
- Plus/minus grading is the real devil
- You won’t lose all of your high school friends
- Command strips are a must
- It’s really easy to take other people’s socks out of the dryer on accident
- Washing dirty dishes takes a lot of effort
- Tide pods smell like actual heaven
- It is ok to not go out every weekend
- You’ll be homesick, but that is alright, everyone goes through it
- Community bathrooms are the worst
- Naps – they are important
- You grow up really fast
- Your room will never be as clean as you want it to be
- Get involved on campus
- Weekly facials – do them
- We rely on Uber
- Milk spoils very fast
- You may say you’re going to work out, but you won’t
- We love free food – or basically free anything
- A good crying sesh is needed often
- Don’t eat nacho cheese from the cafeteria
- You can indeed be best friends with your roommate