Ringing in the New Year is always a time to reflect. A lot can happen in a year, but a lot can also happen in just a few short months. The past four months of my life at my first semester in college have been the most life changing experiences I've ever had. However, I wasn't necessarily prepared for this new world I was entering. With the help of some friends, here's a list of 31 Things Every Freshman Should Know Before Their First Semester.
1. Get to know as many people as possible.
You don't want to graduate in four years not knowing anyone sitting around you.
2. Focus on yourself.
Everyone is learning how to "college" for the first time. Help yourself first before you can help others.
3. Be careful with getting caught up with the social part of college.
Parties are great and a way to meet people/let loose, but don't let your academics suffer because of it.
4. Don't get stuck in high school.
High school was getting you ready for this. They say college is the best four years of your life. Don't let high school be the end.
5. Don't be a jerk.
6. Take a month to adjust before considering any relationships.
There's something about the first month where everyone thinks they're meeting their soul mate. Take the first month to adjust to the new environment and get to know the people around you. You don't know someone's true self after a couple days.
7. You will gain weight, and that's okay.
Stress and the constant supply of food from the dining hall will have an effect on your body. Don't take it too hard, it's normal.
8. The first friends you make may not be life time ones.
9. Then again, those friends might just be.
10. Call home more often.
Your mom or dad will thank me.
11. Remember where you came from.
Don't let everyone making fun of your accent or the fact you eat ice cream with a fork make you hide where you're from.
12. Domino's at 2am is a good idea ((only sometimes)).
13. You are paying for the dining hall, so eat the food.
It's not as bad as everyone says it is.
14. Keep your room clean.
You have one place that is your sanctuary for peace. You'll feel better if it's clean.
15. 15 minute naps are your friend.
16. If you don't nap now, you will.
Trust me.
17. Don't be afraid to ask professors questions.
18. Don't be afraid to ask your peers for help.
19. Get to know the area.
Doing things off campus can be refreshing after living with people day to day.
20. Save up as much money as possible.
Having a job on campus first semester will be hard. It is doable, but save some money before hand so you don't have to pick up a lot of hours.
21. Classes will be harder than high school.
It will take time to transition to how hard you'll have to work, but in the end I promise it's worth it.
22. Varsity sports are a full time job while in season.
If you are playing a varsity sport, half the reason you came to college was to play the sport. Act that way. Make it your priority.
23. Figuring out time management sucks.
24. Not playing a varsity sport doesn't mean you're not an athlete.
You are not a N.A.R.P. I promise. Try to get involved in the intramurals at your school, or just keep working out.
25. It's okay to change, but don't force yourself to.
Just because the experiences are life changing, doesn't mean you actually have to change internally (or even externally). These experiences are to just make you a more knowledgeable person. If you want them to change who you are, let it happen. But if not, there's nothing wrong with that.
26. You can't save everyone.
It's hard to watch your friends upset or helpless. Sometimes, though, you need to take a step back and realize you can't always be there for them.
27. Not going out on the weekend isn't the end of the world.
Some of the most memorable nights are just you and your friends sitting in your room laughing until 2 am.
28. Take 30 minutes each day to have just to yourself.
College will drive you insane if you don't take some time to chill out every day.
29. Take plenty of pictures.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
30. Don't overbook yourself.
I know intramural soccer, Campus Activity Board, band, Freshman Council, RA, work, parties, sporting events, and academics all seem wicked interesting and useful, but you can't always do it all. Find your balance.
31. You will make mistakes.
College is not easy. There will be times where you don't make the correct decision. Do not let this discourage you. We are all human. We all have our fair share of mistakes. Take a step back to analyze the situation, what you should have done instead, how you can fix it if possible, and then move forward. If you stay stuck on this one thing, you will never get to experience something great.
And I promise you, college is something great!