Lifeguarding is one of the most popular summer jobs for high schoolers and college kids. This is probably because of the fact that there is no commitment necessary during the majority of the school year. You work for the summer and then don't have to worry about juggling a job during the school year. Additionally, getting a job as a lifeguard is super easy. Just get certified and apply to a couple of pools. You are basically guaranteed at least one job offer. Despite the benefits of lifeguarding it is definitely not a walk in the park. In fact for the two years I guarded I ran into tons of daily struggles that all lifeguards can relate to.
1. When there is only one person in the pool
If this kid would just get out of the pool and leave then you could totally go home early, but instead they have decided that playing all alone is way too fun to stop.
2. Having to catch animals that get into the pool
Whether it be a duck, frog or even a mouse (don't even get me started on that one) every lifeguard has drawn the short end of the stick and had to go get some sort of animal out of the pool. It is accompanied by lots of flinching, muffled screams and internal cursing.
3. When the pool members don't leave during a thunder storm so you have to stay too
Everyone knows that if thunder or lightning occurs you have to get out of the pool for 30 minutes. This is a dream come true for lifequards. That is until people stay so you still have to work instead of getting off early.
4. When someone doesn't show up for a shift, so you have to stay
5. Having to tell an angry parent that they can't do whatever it is they are doing
I'm not kidding when I say this is one of the most uncomfortable situations I've ever been in. It can be scary to tell these parents that they can't throw their kid or dive. Especially when they have yelled at other lifeguards in the past.
6. Having to ask slightly intoxicated adults to leave because the pool is closing
This is a close second to the uncomfortable situation in number five. It is always accompanied with the adults asking to stay longer or saying they are on their way out. Of course they won't leave for another 30 minutes.
7. Drawing the short stick and having to go home early instead of getting paid to sit around and do nothing when the pool is empty
You were this close to getting paid to do nothing.
8. Having to tell the members they can't go in the pool
They never listen.
9. Having to fish poop or puke out of the pool
I'll just leave it at that.
10. Reapplying sunscreen every 30 seconds so you don't get burned
12. Trying to keep your hair down, but giving up halfway through your shift because it is just too hot
Is it too much to ask that you look good during work? Apparently so because the messy bun paired with the buckets of sweat are doing a number on you.
13. Somehow always being the one who works special events that require you to stay later than usual
Don't ask me how but this always happened to me. A couple of times I even showed up to work and found out once I was there.
14. Having to move the lawn chairs
They are surprisingly heavier than they look. Plus it is so annoying to have to put the chairs back in place at the end of every day.
15. Having to enforce rules you think are stupid
Last year I had to tell parents that they couldn't throw their kids in the air. I thought this was the dumbest rule ever and so did the members, but to avoid being yelled at by my boss I had to enforce this rule.
16. Having to pay special attention to the unattended 3- and 4-year-olds who are in the big pool even though they shouldn't be
The vacuum is heavy and impossible to use. Of course you can get a robot that does it without your help, but it is super expensive so...
18. Never getting your schedule until the day before
It is nearly impossible to try and plan things in advance.
19. Working almost every single day
Once I worked 13 days in a row. Since shifts are normally about five hours long you can work every single day and not get overtime. For a lifeguard there is no such thing as a day off.
20. Never really having a break because there are things you have to take care of
A common misconception about lifeguards is that they have lots of long breaks, but any lifeguard will tell you that isn't true. During breaks you have to deal with any messes that members made, members who are breaking the rules, cleaning and good ole fashioned emergencies.
21. The swim team clique
It is a well known fact that 90 percent of lifeguards are on swim team together. So if you are not on swim team you are automatically on the outs. If you are on swim team then that means work isn't a place you can escape swim team.
22. Working at the pool but not being allowed to get into it
You would think that lifeguards would be able to get in but no. Even when it is 110 degrees outside you must brave the heat and not even dip a toe in.
23. Knowing the members names even though they don't know yours
This of course leads to awkward conversations with children who ask "How do you know my name?"
24. Dealing with annoying kids who keep breaking the rules
I've said no diving four times now, but still they don't listen to me.
It should be fun, but it isn't. Anytime someone hangs onto the rim it will fall into the pool. It is super heavy and almost impossible to get out of the water. Plus no one listens when you tell them not to hang onto the rim.
26. Listening to the same exact songs every day at the same exact time
27. Having to pick up after the members
They never seem to be able to do this themselves. A walk through will yield two pairs of goggles, five towels, three water bottles and a candy wrapper.
28. Watching members throw away perfectly good uneaten food
And of course we are all thinking I would eat that!
29. Finding some mess you weren't informed about
One time I found a puddle of pee and all I could think was why didn't the parent tell me about this?
30. Lifeguard tan
Forget having a nice normal tan. All lifeguards have weird tan lines courtesy of their "nice" guard suits.
31. Getting into your super hot car after your shift and dying a little bit inside
Of course it is too much to ask for your car to not be 100 degrees hotter than it is outside.