“I can handle this. Handle is my middle name. Actually, handle is the middle of my first name.” (Chandler) | The Odyssey Online
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31 Funny And Memorable Quotes From The 'Friends' That Every SuperFan Can Relate To

The American All-Time Classic That Keeps On Giving!

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FRIENDS remain among the all-time favorite TV sitcoms of the century, which is very impressive because it is the only show from the past ten years that everyone still watches. Even now it is still genuinely hilarious and many people can relate to the friends show and of course their quotes of life and love on a daily basis. For those who do not know, there are 3 young men and 3 young women living in New York and constantly meet at their favorite place… Central Perk. They all love sticking their noses into each other's relationships and this results in hilarious and memorable situations. Here are some amusing and memorable quotes that we all can connect to!


Janice: “What a small world!”Chandler: “And yet I never run into Beyoncé!”

"The One Where Estelle Dies"

“What’s not to like? Custard – good. Jam – good. Meat – good!” (Joey)

"The One Where Ross Got High"

Rachel: “I’m not someone who goes after a guy five minutes after he’s divorced.” Monica: “No, you go after them five minutes before they get married.”

“I can handle this. Handle is my middle name. Actually, handle is the middle of my first name.” (Chandler)

"The One Without The Ski Trip"

Ross: “Hey, Rachel, did you notice…”Rachel: “Your teeth? Yeah, I saw them from outside.”

"The One With Ross' Teeth"

Ross: “No, homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect.” Chandler: “Well, maybe he was nervous.”

"The One Where Ross And Rachel.... You Know"

“Oh look, ugly naked guy is decorating his Christmas tree! Wow, you should see the size of his Christmas balls!” (Phoebe)

"The One With Phoebe's Dad"

The Interviewer: How do you spell that? So we can get it right.Phoebe: Oh okay, it’s P as in Phoebe, H as in hoebe, O as in oebe, E as in ebe, B as in bee-bee and E as in (In an Australian accent) ‘Ello there mate!

"The One With Joey's Interview"

"Look At Me! I'm Chandler! Could I BE Wearing Any More Clothes?" — Joey

"The One Where No One's Ready

"Oh, are you setting Ross up with someone? Does she have a wedding dress?" (Rachel)"

"The One With Ross' Teeth"

"Oh...my...God" (Janice)

"How you doin?" (Joey)


"The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break"

"Smelly cat, smel-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smel-ly cat, it's not your fault." (Phoebe)

"If he doesn't like you this is all a moo point. ... Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo." (Joey) 

"The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"

"Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! Pivot. Pivot. Pivot." (Ross) 

"The One With The Cop"

"Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian. Did I just say that out loud" (Chandler)

"But they don't know that we know they know we know!" (Phoebe) 

"The One Where Everyone Finds Out"

"You can't just give up! Is that what a dinosaur would do?" (Joey)

"The Last One: Part One"

"Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch,spit-on-your-neck fantastic?"

"The One With Ross' New Girlfriend"

"On second thoughts, gum would be perfection"

"The One With The Blackout"

" Oh I wish I could, but I don't want to."

"The One Where Monica Gets A New Roomate"

" I don't even have a pla" (Phoebe) 

" The One With George Stephanopoulos"

" I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have" (Chandler) 

"The One With The Ballroom Dancing"

Phoebe: "Je m'appelle Claude Joey:  "Jet aplee blooo"

"The One Where Joey Speaks French"

"Fine! Judge all you want, but: married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl's wooden leg in fore, LIVE IN A BOX!"

"The One With Rachel's Book"

Ross: "Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice lookalike contest and WON!"Chandler: "Ross came fourth and CRIED!" 

"The One With Rachel's Assistant"

Joey: "Man this is weird. You ever realize Captain Crunch'd eyebrows are actually on his hat? Chandler: "You think that's what's weird? Joey, the man's been captain of a cereal for the last 40 years." 

"The One Where Joey Moves Out"

Ross: "Chandler. I sensed it was you."Chandler: "What?"Ross: "Unagi" I'm always aware.Chandler: "Are you aware that unagi is an eel?"

"The One With Unagi a.k.a The One With The Mix Tape"

Chandler: "Oh, she's got you running errands, you know, picking uo wedding dresses... Wah-pah!"Ross: "What's wah-pah?"Chandler: "You know, whipped. Wah-pah!"Joey: "That's not whipped. Whipped is wh-tcssh!" 

"The One With All The Wedding Dresses"

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