On March 29th, we will be seeing the end of an era. Club Penguin, the beloved online community where users make their own penguin to "waddle around and meet new friends", is shutting down for good. For many young adults, Club Penguin was a large part of our childhood. We begged our parents to buy us memberships, searched for Rockhopper, became tour guides, played checkers, caught fish, became ninjas, raised our puffles, and decked out our igloo with cool furniture. These things were all fun and memorable, but one of the best things about Club Penguin were the inevitable, funny situations that occurred when a bunch of elementary school children were put in a community together. Here are some of the funniest Club Penguin moments to look back on to remember the good old days.
Student LifeFeb 20, 2017
31 Hilarious Club Penguin Moments
Club Penguin may be gone, but its legacy will live forever.