1. "Have you eaten today" | The Odyssey Online
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30 Ways To Say "I Love You" Without Saying It

Listen, and look, closer.

couples and love

1. "Have you eaten today"

2. "Remember to buckle up!"

"Let me know when you make it there safely."

4. "How was your day?"

5. "You look so beautiful/handsome."

6. "Good morning!"

7. "Goodnight!"

8. "How can I help you?"

9. "What can I do to make life easier for you?"

10. "Are you okay?"

11. "I think you need to get some help."

12. "Take my jacket, it's pretty cold."

13. "I hope you have a great day!"

14. "Do you want to talk about it?"

15. "This reminded me of you."

16. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

17. "I'm worried about you."

18. "Do you need me to sleep over at your house?"

19. "My phone will be right by my side."

20. "I want to hear what happened."

21. "It's okay to cry, I'll listen."

22. "I'll support you, no matter what."

23. "Let me walk you to your door/car/home."

24. "Go back to sleep."

25. "You make me so happy."

26. "I bought a large fry because I knew you'd eat some, too."

27. "I saved this seat for you."

28. "Take a second to breathe."

29. "How can I pray for you?"

30. "You are my favorite person."

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