Do you ever feel like your life is a Nickolodian TV show? With the upcoming "Spongebob Squarepants Musical" making its way to Broadway, who else would be a better example of the life of musical theatre students, than the chipper sponge himself!
1. Your first audition at school
2. Answering phone calls from friends and family
3. Getting attention from upperclassman when you're an underclassman
4. Playing a role older than yourself (even if it's only slightly older)
5. Getting that #BroadwayBody
6. Imagining your life after you graduate
7. The morning after a late night rehearsal/tech when you're trying to communicate with your Non-MT friends
8. Fulfilling your technical theatre requirements
9. Taking non-major classes
10. Laban
11. Watching your friends rehearse their scene to see how rehearsed you should be
12. When you have to ask the theatre office if there's available rehearsal space
13. Questionable sets
14. Not getting a role you thought you were perfect for
15. Finally getting a role
16. You think you did really well on a scene assignment, only to get your actual grade back
17. All of the drama (literally)
18. Defending your acting/singing choices to your professors
19. You forget you have a character analysis due
20. Dance requirements
21. Someone sings a questionable song
22. Nightmares about the "Freshman 15"
23. Thinking about the future
24. And the sarcasm
25. Your friend gives a beautiful performance
(hey Brooke Haney's acting 1)
26. Being told by other majors that you're too dramatic
27. Other majors think MT is lame
28. You've seen a lot of your classmates in their underwear
29. You talk about your major non-stop
30. But you do it, because you have the best major in the world, and you wouldn't change it for anything
(Thanks Derek and Liz for helping me come up with ideas)