In June I got in a pretty bad car accident. I dislocated my ankle, causing an open compound fracture. It was gruesome. I only just got the cast off a few days ago, so I went about 11 weeks in a cast. To get around my large campus, I knew crutches would be absolutely impossible. So, I've been renting a wheelchair. Until I get more physical therapy, I'm even still using it.
Over the summer, I had an on-campus job, but my coworkers were always with me to help me up hills and get stuff. Now? I am pretty much riding solo, since we all have different, very busy schedules. Here's what goes through my mind while trying to get around.
1. Why are there so many hills on this campus?
2. Why are you waiting for me and this slowly opening handicapped door when there is a PERFECTLY GOOD DOOR RIGHT NEXT TO ME?! USE YOUR ARMS PEOPLE.![]()
4. Really? Y'all just going to stop in the middle of the hallway?
Freshman. *eye rolls*
5. Oh, I'm sorry, did my 3 mph, large, squeaky wheelchair suddenly scare you?
Don't jump out of my way just because I'm near you. So dramatic.
6. *someone holds door open for me* THANK YOU KIND STRANGER I LOVE YOU.
7. Cut me off and I will HIT YOU.
8. I actually do need help getting up this hill, but my pride told me to refuse your offer. Please come back. I need you.
9. My leg is a beacon of sweat.
10. WEEEE!
12. skrrrrrrtt
14. Oh god, another hill.
15. Jesus take the wheels.
16. They see me rollin'
17. Why would you hold the door open, but stand directly in the middle of the doorway? How do you expect me to get around you?? I appreciate the effort, but??? Uh?
18. Don't stand behind me don't stand behind me don't stand behind me
19. Part the red sea, I am coming
20. Maybe I'll actually run into someone today, we'll see
21. I can't walk but I can still kick your ass, MOVE IT
22. Oh I'm sorry, was the ENTIRE HALLWAY not enough room for you to walk around and not kick my chair?
If you kick me, even by accident, you are too close to me.
23. How am I supposed to get myself food if I can't hold things and move at the same time? Guess I'll starve.
*avoids the dining hall like the plague*
25. No, I don't need to use the special disability desk, but I am going to. Because it's big and comfy and no one will judge me.
26. Should I try to do a wheelie today?
27. I would love to be raptured up this hill right now
28. The only dining hall open on the weekends is up a massive hill, so it looks like I'm living off ramen for the rest of my life.
*cries into my soup*
29. Screw this, I'm walking. Oh wait.
30. Literally I am the only person here who actually needs to take this elevator. Get out of my way and take the stairs.
31. I can't wait until I have a leg again.
32. "When I have a leg-" or "When I can leg again-"
33. What's the point of this ramp if it's literally 80 degrees and I can't get up it??
34.*surrounded by people and can't move where I need to* Wellp, I guess I live here now.
35. *catches little bit of speed* FOR THE GLORY!!
*Disclaimer: I do not represent the struggles of or claim to completely understand all temporarily or permanently disabled individuals and do not want to express that as such. I am just an injured lady with some snarky thoughts, nothing more.