Finals Week. A week that can either make or break our grades and put us through extreme stress that we didn't even know we could experience until now. Not too worry though, there's nothing coffee and Quizlet can't fix. Here are 30 thoughts we all have at some point during finals week while we are studying.
1. Okay, I'll start studying Sunday night, I GOT THIS.
2. Shit, it's already 10? Ok, tomorrow I will 100% start studying.
3. I wonder how many likes I'll get on Instagram, If I make my cup look artsy with my books.
4. *on that study grind, hashtag #LetsGetThisA #SoExhausted #WorkingHardOrHardlyWorking?*
5. wtf did my ex just like my picture? Does this mean he wants me back?
6. I have to call Stacy and tell her about this
7. f*ck, I NEED TO FOCUS.
8. Okay, Let's begin..
9. In all honesty, when am I ever going to use fucking chemistry in my life?
10. If I was a Kardashian, I wouldn't have to deal with this.
11. I wonder how Kim makes her butt look like that?
12. Did I turn in that assignment last week?
13. I felt like I have been at this for HOURSSS
15. Better start learning how to dance because at this point, that looks like where my future is heading.
16. What If I did become a stripper? Imagine my parents faces if they found out hahahahah.
17. I wonder how people can focus long enough to get stuff done in here.
18. I could always marry rich.
19. But then that kinda ruins my whole "Inner beyonce independent women" thing I got goin on.
20. Okay, you got this. Channel your inner Elle Woods "I got into law school, and it wasn't hard" mindset.
21. Ok, He totally NEVER taught us this.
22. C's get degree's ma
23. I don't understand, well I actually never understood anything in the first place so I don't know why I'm surprised.
24. Dear Jesus, you know how you said you were going to come back eventually? Ok well now would be a really good time to come back and save everyone from these exams.
25. Omg, what if the love of my life is sitting in the library with me RIGHT NOW? This could be the perfect romantic comedy.
26. Just kidding, the only love interest around me right now is my tinder match from last week.
27. Hey Steve....
28. Wait what was I studying again?
29. Shit, I gotta get my life together.
30. I'll try to study again later.
Good luck my friends!! Study hard and give it everything you got. If you fail just remember your pets will always love you no matter what your GPA is.