The end of exams is a satisfying time, but after you drop those pencils and put away the iClicker for a few months, you have to move out of your current housing and into next year's.
Here are 30 thoughts everyone has about the moving process:
1. Time to move out!! You can do this, you grown up human.
2. I wish my parents were here.
3. How exactly did I get all this stuff into this room, and why can't I remember?
4. At least this time, I'll be carrying stuff down the stairs and not up.
5. I'll start with the kitchen. How bad could it be?
6. Oh, I just broke another plate.
7. Maybe I should stop before I break an entire set.
8. Why do I have 45 spoons and 3 forks?
9. I really need to start buying cups that don't have my letters on them.
10. Okay, moving on from the kitchen. Just packing up all my clothes will be half the battle.
11. How can I have this many clothes and nothing to wear?
12. Whoa, I forgot about this top! I really should take a break and wear it somewhere.
13. Maybe I'll just start by packing my shoes.
14. Nope, too much. I'll start with my desk.
15. Maybe just my desk drawers?
16. Why did I think I would need three journals? I don't have time to fill three journals.
17. I didn't use any of this stuff all year.
18. And I'm just going to have to buy it again next year.
19. Didn't I come to school with like seven mugs?
20. And way more towels?
21. How are my roommates already packed?
22. Okay. Packed up my T-shirts. I think I deserve another break.
23. Breaks are so much more fun than packing.
24. But packing is more fun than studying for exams…
25. I wish you could hire someone to pack your stuff and move it.
26. Need more bubble wrap.
27. And tape.
28. I have seriously been to Bed Bath & Beyond too many times this week.
29. I don't even get lost in there anymore.
30. Finally packed!!! Now I'm 100 years old.