For most people, college is the first time they move away from home and try to figure out how to live on their own. It can be a scary feeling, but it sure is one heck of an adventure. Here is a list of 30 thoughts college freshmen have within the first year:
1. Do you think anyone will notice that I’ve worn these pants three days in a row?
2. How am I supposed to control myself when I know food is only one card swipe away?
3. I wish I had filled out more scholarship applications.
4. Dorm life definitely isn’t as bad as I thought, but I really miss having my own shower.
5. You mean I don’t have to go to class 35 hours a week like I did in high school?
6. I thought everyone was just kidding about the freshman 15...
7. Dang it, how does she always find time to look cute?
8. When is the next time I can fit in a nap?
9. I hope the whole “you meet your best friends in college” thing isn’t a myth because I really like these guys.
10. *Hopelessly checks email before each class to see if the professor cancelled*
11. Why do I have to take so many gen ed classes?
12. I wish my school offered a room service option because I don’t want to leave my bed to walk to the dining hall.
13. If I can just finish two more pages, I’ll reward myself with an episode of Netflix.
15. Do I really not have to raise my hand to go to the bathroom?
16. More free t-shirts?!?!?! No wonder tuition is so expensive…
17. What’s the most strategic way to hang these Command Hooks?
18. Pssssht, of course I can pull an all-nighter to crank out this paper.
19. I shouldn’t have pulled an all-nighter to crank out that paper. No more procrastinating.
20. Well, last time I was able to do 8 pages in one night, so 10 can’t be that hard…
21. Seriously, dude. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING.
22. College is hard, but life without a degree is harder, right?
23. If I can just put off laundry until the weekend, I’ll bring it home and maybe my mom will do it for me because she misses me so much.
24. I wish I wanted to be something like a mechanic or a carpenter so I could skip the whole college thing and still make a lot of money.
25. I honestly can’t remember the last time I washed my hair.
26. Maybe if I make my bed I’ll be less tempted to take a nap…
27. As much as I love it here, I miss my family and friends back at home.
28. How many more years of this????
29. Maybe if I drop out now I can just find some YouTube videos to teach me everything I need to know about my major.
30. I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing but I’ll just act like I do and maybe no one will notice.