It's the worst feeling in the world. You get that small itch in the back of your throat and you know...sickness is coming. Winter always brings its share of sickness with it and no matter how hard you try, you can never avoid it. So break out the Vitamin C because here are 30 thoughts every college kid has when you know you're getting sick.
1. I'm definitely not going to get sick this winter.
2. Is that a tickle in my throat?
3. No way, I'm imagining it.
4. There's no way I can be getting sick, I drink mimosas all the time. Vitamin C!
5. Oh no, my nose is starting to run.
6. It'll definitely pass.
7. It's probably just winter allergies. That's a thing, right?
8. That's definitely not a thing.
9. How do I stop this from happening?
10. I need to text my mom.
11. Mom said I need to use Emergen-C.
12. Shoot, I just sneezed.
13. Shoot, I just sneezed again.
14. How many packets of Emergen-C are considered an overdose?
15. Maybe I'll just drink more water.
16. I cannot be sick, I need to go out tomorrow.
17. I'll just take a really long nap.
18. And now I can't breathe through my nose.
19. Where's my Neti Pot?
20. I forgot my Neti Pot.
21. I'm gonna stand in the shower and hope everything up in my nose loosens up.
22. Is it gross to snot rocket in the shower?
23. I'm gonna do it.
24. Oh, that was awesome. I can breathe again.
25. My throat is on fire.
26. I should have some tea.
27. Now my tongue is burned.
28. There's no way I can go out tomorrow.
29. I'm just going to take a sh*t ton of NyQuil and sleep for 14 hours.
30. I'm definitely going out tonight.