Lent is upon us and for many it goes way behind the early millennium hit, "40 Days and 40 Nights," no it's not the one about the zombies. Lent is the Catholic tradition of giving up stuff you love because Jesus sacrificed himself and therefore so should you and then like Easter shows up and you can eat chocolate again. There's a lot more to it, so if you're interested Google it.
Poor history lesson past us, here are some things I'll never give up for lent:
Soda (literally just can't)
Facebook or social media (because then people would think I'm dead. And I love how it's all the adults that give it up. Like "you haven't depended on this since you were 12. At 12 you were content with lengthy phone chats with Susie and soda pop, so this shouldn't be too hard for you.")
Potato chips
Doing it... (I shouldn't have to spell this out)
Taking naps
Buying stuff I don't need
Always running 5 minutes late
Music (does anyone give that up?)
Picking my nails
Gossiping (I should, though I've gotten better so that's a plus)
Caring about celebrity issues
Watching the Real Housewives of Anywhere
Sleeping in
Sparkling (I'm so good at it)
Buying makeup
Driving over the speed limit (25 mph is just ridiculous)
Eavesdropping (I'm just nosy)
Sugar (I'm at peace that I'm addicted to it)
Being a nasty women ;)
Planning my wedding on Pinterest (No, I'm not engaged...)
Breakfast sandwiches
Crying that I have nothing to wear (Because I literally don't)
I will however consider giving these few things up:
Going to the gym (I'm just so addicted...bahaha)
Political debates
Paying my bills (but that could end poorly)
Going to bed at a reasonable hour
Cooking and cleaning (but I'll do laundry)
Being a part of never ending group chats (some many texts!)
But the truth is I'm half Jewish so I won't be giving anything up because I never do! Still, that was fun. And oh, if you think I won't eat leavened bread during Passover, you're wrong-I will because I'll pull the Catholic card...yea I know that big man upstairs may have a few words with me someday. Until then I'll continue to crave social media, eat bread and enjoy these next 40 days!
I do however want to make a serious point. It was brought to my attention that Lent could be seen as a rather selfish act. Instead of putting all the focus on what you're giving up, possibly switch it around and see what you can give back. Maybe donate a $1 a day to a charity during lent, or take some time to volunteer these next few weeks. Give to someone instead of giving up something for yourself. Food for thought! (Thanks Mary)