30 Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshman | The Odyssey Online
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30 Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshman

A Short Guide to Freshman Year by a Junior in College

30 Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshman
Kirsten Garner

The summer before my freshman year of college was extremely busy. I spent most of my days shopping for dorm room stuff: bed sheets, decorations, etc. Little did I know that I had to prepare, not only with material things, but I had to mentally prepare myself for one of the biggest changes of my life. College can be a very scary thing for some people. You're literally moving away from home, and it's your first chance to start becoming independent. There were plenty of things I thought I knew, but there were also so many things nobody told me. I learned through experiences. I put this list together in hopes of helping out at least one incoming freshman or current freshman. Below are some things that I wish I knew when I was a freshman.

1. Come in with an open mind.

-Everyone is coming into college not knowing what to expect. Always be open to trying new things because you never know what you might be interested in.

2. Don’t be afraid to take chances.

-Recently, I went to Campus Outreach and participated in a Tug-of-War with some of my teammates. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time, and if I just stood by and watched, I would’ve regretted it. College is a once in a lifetime event, make the most of it!

3. Keep up with the reading.

-Just trust me on this one.

4. Go to class.

-I think this one speaks for itself (and maybe it should be number 1), but most professors give participation points to the students who just show up to class. Those are free points just for sitting there. Go to class on rainy days. Those are the days that professors hand out points like free candy. Put your rain boots on and go to class. Your final grade will thank me later.

5. There is no such thing as too many canvases in your dorm.

-This dorm will be your home away from home for the whole school year. I know that my dorm room was more inviting with canvases hanging on my wall.

6. Get to know the girls on your floor.

-You never know who might be your new best friend.

7. Meet new people.

-Don’t just stay in your dorm every night. Go out and meet new people! It’s not really that hard either. Once you get to know a couple of people, then they introduce you to their friends, and they introduce you to their other friends. Pretty soon you have 100 new pals!

8. ALWAYS check for assignments online.

-Freshman year in Spanish class, the professor never told us about some online assignments and I missed out on 40 whole points. My grade, needless to say, suffered from it. I worked really hard and got a good grade in that class, but it’s always a good thing to keep up with your assignments.

9. Don’t wait to do laundry at the last minute.

-You’ll take up three washers and dryers at the same time, and nobody likes THAT GIRL.

10. Always keep an extra pen in your backpack for someone who needs it.

-you’ll save someone’s life on test days. Also, this is another way to make new friends. It’s always good to start out with a little kindness.

11. Think about your major early on.

-you want to get your degree plan finished ASAP, and who knows, you might get to graduate early.

12. Communicate with your roommate(s).

-Non-communication is the key factor in problems. Talk with your roommates if you have a problem. Don’t just ignore it. If they leave cups in the sink or don’t replace the toilet paper, tell them! Otherwise, it’ll just leave you mad for no reason.

13. Go to events.

-you’ll never know how much this actually impacts your college experience. Make new memories. I have countless memories of going to Campus Outreach or Intramural games at the Red Wolf Center or Spanish Movie Nights or the Carnival on campus or Midnight Breakfast at the caf. These are memories that will last a lifetime.

14. Support your team.

-Wear your team colors and support your school. Go to volleyball, baseball, football, and basketball games. Show your peers that you support and care for them. Plus, you get in for free with your Student ID so what do you have to lose?

15. Take your yearbook picture.

-Your mom will thank you

16. Buy a wax warmer.

-since you can’t have candles in the dorm, this is the closest thing you’re going to get, and it makes your dorm feel more like home. Plus, it’s the first thing your guests notice when they walk in.

17. Spend more time with your friends than boys.

-Friends are forever, trust me.

18. Get in touch with your RA.

-After all, they’re the ones doing room checks.

19. Hang pictures from home in your dorm.

-It’s always a friendly reminder that your family is thinking of you.

20. Take Vitamin C every day.

-Your immune system drops drastically when you go to college. You are vulnerable to all kinds of bacteria and surrounded by new people who could potentially share their cold with you. Build up your immune system even before you get to college.

21. Spend time with your roommate outside of your dorm.

-There’s no bond quite like your roommate’s. I mean, she sleeps in the same room as you for a whole year. It’s so important to spend time outside of your closet-sized room. Go to a movie or the park. Do something fun. If nothing else, it’ll make for good stories later on.

22. Set aside a time for homework.

-It’s so easy to get caught up in the college experience and fall behind on your work. Set aside an hour or two every day to catch up on assignments. This is a must for freshmen. This is the time that your transcript is getting started. Make sure you set the bar high early on.

23. Keep post-it notes for reminders.

- Make them bright. In my dorm, I have bright pink and orange. Put reminders on them, then stick them by the door so you see it before you leave

24. Command strips are a must.

-Don’t make any marks on the walls or it’ll cost you money, (and it’s quite expensive). Command Strips are so easy, and they last all year. When you take them off the wall, it won’t leave any damage. Also, you don’t need any tools for them.

25. Join clubs.

-Not only do they look good on an application, but you can meet new people. You can also tap into new interests you didn’t know you had.

26. Write home.

-Your family misses you. I know they do. It’s always exciting to get a letter in the mail. Take 20 minutes out of your day and write a letter to home. If you don’t like writing, make a phone call or a FaceTime or Skype call. It’s a small thing that can make a huge impact.

27. Use your student ID to get discounts.

-Some restaurants give 10%-20% off for college students. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and it could save you a lot of money in the long run.

28. Make connections.

-Make friends in your classes because, chances are, you’ll be in most of the same classes for the next four years. If you miss class for something, you have a friend you can count on to borrow notes. Also, first days are not so awkward after the first semester because you already have someone to sit by for the next classes.

29. Drink water.

-Nothing packs on the pounds quicker than having multiple sodas a day. Drink water instead. This will also help with your immune system. Nothing is worse than having to go to class when you’re sick. Stay healthy!

30. Don’t be afraid to be a freshman.

-Don’t be embarrassed to use the map on your phone to find your classes for the first week. Don’t be afraid to ask where things are. We have ALL been there and we totally understand you’re in a new place. You’re going to be lost. Ask questions. Ask upperclassmen. We don’t bite. I promise.

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