When your house is three hours away from your school, driving becomes a way of life. After a certain point, your car becomes an extension of yourself. As such, you do everything in your power to prevent an accident. Unfortunately, the road is swamped with careless drivers who don’t seem to value their life or anyone else’s. It seems we have replaced our sense of safety with a sense of recklessness. This partially, in my opinion, comes from the inherent feeling of entitlement our society has. The idea that we no longer have to work for what we want but we just deserve it instead. “It is our right.” “We are right; you are wrong.” These selfish mentalities spread into the daily act of driving and become “I’m merging and you can wait,” “I’m texting because it’s my right,” and “I’m speeding because I’m better than the law.” Maybe we don’t admit to saying these things outright, but the fact of the matter is that these are really at the crux of what we are thinking. We may say “I’m texting because this message is important,” but the reality is that under that message is another message saying “I’m texting because it’s my right.” This entitlement-led crappy driving leads to careful drivers being even more careful. It’s to the point where I am even afraid to drive. I am sure I’m not alone, which is why I devised a list of things we all think and do while driving.
- “Is my car supposed to do that?”
- *rolls down the window* “Nope, too cold.” *rolls it back up*
- “I’m going ten miles over the speed limit! Stop tailgating me.”
- “Don’t merge, don’t merge, don’t merge”
- “That gap wasn’t meant for you to merge into”
- “Sure, I love when people cut me off”
- “Is that a cop behind me?”
- “No, it’s not a cop”
- “Crap, it’s a cop”
- “Sure, let’s go 30 in a 45”
- “This is my song”
- “Got a lonely Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I’m insane”
- “Wait, that doesn’t make sense”
- “Oooh, a Starbucks”
- “Do I need gas?”
- “I’m almost on Empty?”
- “I can make it to the next rest stop”
- “Hello, Mr. Police man”
- “This is the passing lane”
- “Are you going to pass me or just stand there?”
- “Move over”
- “Move over”
- “Thank you”
- “Is that my exit?"
- “Crap, that’s my exit”
- “Excuse me, I got to get over”
- “What is that on the side of the road?”
- “Your turn signal is still on…idiot”
- “I hate everyone”