It's tradition in my family to go around and say what we are thankful for each year at the dinner table on Thanksgiving. Each year I hear the same things over and over again. Obviously we are all thankful for our wonderful families and friends every year. Our houses, our education, and the food we eat everyday are also common answers I have heard. Just like everyone else I am thankful for all of these things as well but I think there are a ton more things to be thankful for than just the "stereotypical" answers. After all it is all of the "little things" that make life so great!
1. The smell outside after a thunderstorm.
2. Warm towels straight out of the dryer.
3. When it snows just enough to blanket the surface of everything.
4. The way your house smells on Thanksgiving day.
5. The colors in a sunset.
6. The many moments this year that you laughed until you cried.
7. The first sip of coffee.
8. The last slice of cake.
9. Waking up after a great nap or a great nights sleep.
10. Your favorite pair of jeans.
11. Finishing a good book.
12. Answering a question right.
13. Writing in a new notebook for the first time.
14. Making a dish completely from scratch.
15. Achieving the perfect temperature before you fall asleep.
16. A perfectly cooked grilled cheese.
17. A perfectly timed compliment.
18. Chocolate milkshakes.
19. Seeing true love in action.
20. Fuzzy socks.
21. The genuine and pure kindness of children.
22. A hug after a long day.
23. The smell of campfires.
24. When something you want finally goes on sale.
25. A fresh pedicure.
26. Having a full tank of gas.
27. A stack of warm pancakes.
28. Your ability to help others.
29. Having a great hair day.
30. When your favorite song comes on in the car.