It's that time of year again; on Thursday, families and friends from the New England woods to the Southern California beaches to the prairies of the Midwest will gather around tables laden with food and celebrate their blessings. At least, I hope that's what people will do. It's so easy to forget that the purpose of Thanksgiving is to feel gratitude. Upcoming Black Friday sales, exhaustion from staying up all of Wednesday night to roast a 20-pound turkey, bake three apple pies from scratch, and clean the house from top to bottom, plus the headache that comes with extended family gatherings, is enough to stress out anybody. However, it's imperative to keep in mind as you peel those 50 apples and listen to your great-aunt criticize your boyfriend again, what the real point of this holiday is. It's not the perfect meal you'll serve or the cheap television you're going to buy the following day; it's about reflecting on the wonders in your life and saying, "I am blessed." Remember to shoot some thank-you texts to the people in your life that mean the most you, or better yet, call them. Don't just wish them a "Happy Thanksgiving," but let them know why you love them so much. Make a list in your journal of all the things you're grateful for and keep it as a reminder for future bad days!
So, don't forget to mute that football game and go around the dinning room table, sharing your gratitude with others. Once you get started giving thanks, there will be a domino effect and you'll think of dozens of other things you're lucky enough to have in your life.
To get you started, here are a few ideas (both large and small) of things to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving.
1. The fact that your Thanksgiving dinner will look something like this:
2. The friends you know you'll have for life.
3. Chocolate: the cheapest form of therapy.
4. The free, rainbow, and the dazzling show the sky puts on every night (and morning, if you're up that early!).
7. Your crazy family (the good and the bad).
8. Artists, who share the unique way they see the world with you.
9. The act of curling up with a good book in a cozy place.
10. The scent of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
11. Teachers: both in and out of the classroom.
12. Washing machines because who would want to have to clean their clothes like this:
13. Weekends!
14. Your health.
15. Freshly baked cookies.
16. Air conditioning!
17. The holidays and the traditions associated with them (they're coming up!).
18. The way it feels when you receive a compliment.
19. Midday naps.
20. That person that always lets you cry on their shoulder.
21. Netflix (and chill).
22. Baby animals (and pets in general).23.The internet because what can't it tell you?
24. The four seasons.
25. Your significant other.
27. The person that always has faith in you.
28. Scented candles.
29. Makeup!
30. The Harrys...