There is always that time when you have a deadline, and you start to do it but feel like it is going nowhere. Then you hit that roadblock and you are screwed. Here are 30 things to do when you cannot think about anything to write and nothing will fix it
1. Do other work instead
2. Clean! Your room, the kitchen, your friends room, whatever!
3. Read a book.
4. Write down whatever comes to mind.
5. Lay in bed and just stare at the ceiling
6. Walk around aimlessly throughout your house.
7. Go on Pinterest.
8. Start a new Netflix series.
9. Take a bath.
10. Watch youtube videos.
11. Jam out!
12. Reorganize your room, or desk.
13. Walk around your neighborhood.
14. Go to the gym
15. Go get food.
16. Go shopping.
17. Play a card game.
18. Do arts and crafts
19. Look through old photos and videos
20. Roll around and pretend that you are a kid again.
21. Do your makeup.
22. Go through your clothes and decide what you wear and what to give away.
23. Go for a drive.
24. Go procrastinate with your roommates and or friends.
25. Make a five-year plan.
26. FaceTime your family.
27. Cook.
28. Eat! Eat! Eat!
29. Reminisce on your childhood.
30. Go to sleep!
When you get through all of these you should be able to write something, anything.