High school can be the best or worst four years of your life, and even if you're loving or struggling through your freshman year of high school, here are some things you might want to think about.
1. Try in school; try really hard. Learn something. You’ll thank yourself when you get into the college of your dreams.
2. Challenge yourself and take hard classes.
3. You're not in middle school anymore, don't act like it.
4. Go out for any and every sport, club, and activity you can think of. Not only will it give you a kick ass resume, you’ll have awesome memories and so many more friends.
5. Be kind to everyone. They all are fighting a battle you know nothing about.
6. Drama ends. Trust me. It will get better.
7. Stop trying too hard to take a good selfie. The number of likes you get on Instagram does not quantify how beautiful you actually are.
8. Likewise, the number of followers you have does not mean anything.
9. Popularity does not define success.
10. Don’t waste your money. Save it.
11. Read that again: save your money.
12. Take lots of pictures with your friends. You won’t regret it.
13. Get on your teachers' good side. They are there to help you, whether you believe it or not.
14. Be honest with yourself and others. Nobody likes a liar.
15. Take care of your body. It’s the only one you have.
16. Watch what you say on social media.
17. Respect your parents, even if they aren’t always fair. You will always need them.
18. Don’t drink or do drugs. It’s not worth it.
19. Dressing like a slut will not do anything but get you in trouble. Respect your body.
20. Wear sweatpants. Dress cute when you’re an adult.
21. You are an awesome person, even if you aren’t the most popular.
22. Don’t rely on one person for happiness. There are 7 billion others out there in the world.
23. Not everyone will be your friend, and that is okay. Like I said, there are 7 billion other people out there for you to try.
24. You are not alone. You are loved.
25. Don’t worry about having a boyfriend or girlfriend. People suck, especially at your age.
26. It is okay to be confused in any subject. You’re not stupid.
27. Stop asking when you will “use this in real life.” Don’t be that person. Save everyone the headache.
28. Turn in your homework.
29. Read and write as much as possible. It’ll help in college. Trust anyone who has ever gone.
30. Enjoy every minute of high school. You will miss it when it’s over.
A College Freshman