The summer is coming to an end and recent high school graduates are about spend buckets of money on a priceless experience --college. Together, the class of 2020 will venture down the halls on the first day of class unsure of what to expect and frightened we might make a rookie mistake. Thankfully freshmen, like myself, have a few more weeks to get our acts together before starting a new chapter of our life, but unfortunately we all have at least 30 thoughts running rampant in our minds:
1. Is my room really that small?
AND I have to share it?
2. How am I suppose to fit all of my clothes in such a small closet
My sweaters alone could fill up the entire thing.
3. I hope my roommate isn't too weird.
.... And I hope my roommate doesn't think I'm weird.
4. I wonder if I will make any friends?
I almost forgot what it was like to socialize with someone I didn't know.
5. Oh god, what am I going to major in?
Well, I feel like that more of a universal question that all college students have up until their senior year, but it's still relevant.
6. Oh great, I have an 8 a.m. class.
I'm gonna need a keurig.
7. Or the opposite: my classes don't start until 10 a.m.!
There really is a God.
8. What kind of food should I keep in my room?
I guess the real question is: what food can I afford?
9. How am I suppose to do all of my laundry by myself?
Hot water? Cold water? Medium spin? Someone please explain.
10. No curfew...
Odds are I will be at the library until 3 a.m., not out having fun, but still.
11. I swear if the wifi does not support my Netflix addiction, I might switch schools.
I'm sorry, but Netflix or bust.
12. No parents...
I think this one is kind of self explanatory.
13. I wonder if the upperclassmen will know I am a freshman.
Note to self: don't wear a lanyard or pack all of my high school gear.
14. I never have to do ACT/SAT prep again!
And equally exciting: I never have to talk about my score again!!
15. How am I suppose to pay for all of my books?
Are you telling me that I have to spend this much money... Every semester?
16. Are my professors going to be as helpful as my high school teachers?
Will they even remember my name?
17. I really don't want to lose contact with any of my high school friends
I don't expect to stay in contact with everyone, but we went through so much together.
18. I can't wait to people watch.
I'm not even looking to talk to them, I am just excited for all the new faces.
19. If I rush a sorority/fraternity, will my college experience be like the show "Greek"?
Because if it is, count me in.
20. I feel so cool right now.
REALITY CHECK! We are neither special, nor cool. We are back at the bottom of the food chain in a world completely different than high school.
21.Oh god, I am going to have to be an adult.
I'm digging all the freedom, but not all the responsibility
22. What will it be like living in a dorm?
Especially those freshman dorms... Oh god.
23. I don't know if I can handle sharing a bathroom with 6+ people.
What are shower shoes?
24. I swear not to gain the infamous freshman 15
How about we just settle for the freshman 5? Does that exist?
25. Should I try to get a job my first semester?
The extra money would be nice, but I am trying to have some sort of social life.
26. Oh god, I am going to owe so much money after I graduate.
FAFSA, student loans, credit cards, OH MY!
27. Great, I forgot my new login info for all these new websites that I don't remember the name to.
What is my new email again?
28. I am not ready for Freshman orientation.
I have no idea what to expect and don't feel like exiting my comfort zone quite yet, thank you.
29. Do I have everything that I need for school?
I feel like I'm over-prepared, or ill-prepared. We will find out on move-in day.
30. I am so ready to leave home.
Fellow members of the class of 2020, good luck.