1. Sporting mid-calf white Nike’s to the ARC everyday.
2. Wearing a Hawiian shirt to HH every Friday (rain or shine or snow).
3. Eating Chipotle for the gains.
4. Timberlands out to the bar everyday from November to April.
5. Loudly recounting last night’s drunken activities in the back of large lecture halls.
6. Owning the same Patagonia as every guy in your house.
7. And the same Ralph Lauren Polo quarter zip.
8. Having the channel set on SportsCenter 24/7.
9. Being a poor texter, yet excellent snapchatter.
10. Setting ESPN Fantasy Football as your homepage.
11. Buying retro sports jerseys of unathletic white players.
12. Going to “ball” at the ARC every Sunday.
13. Pounding a few study beers every time you study at the house.
14. Making up questionable excuses to leave group projects early to attend social events.
15. Amassing a large collection of sorority philanthropy shirts, only to be worn for hungover Sunday brunches.
16. No shower today? Just throw a snapback on over your greasy hair.
17. Fighting over the aux cord at pregames.
18. Buying cases of Natty at Lion every Friday HH.
19. Breaking something in the house every night you come back drunk.
20. Being a drunk weekend chainsmoker.
21. Not attempting to talk to girls sober.
22. Snapchatting every illegal activity you partake in.
23. Buying a cute puppy and regularly passing it off to sorority girls to take care of.
24. Getting injured at intramural sporting events.
25. Not touching any mess that a pledge could clean for you.
26. Only going out when you have a guy bartending.
27. Being white, yet able to rap every word to the song “Hot N*gga.”
28. “Raging face” for 3 days straight with your bros at a music festival.
29. Growing a patchy beard for no-shave November.
30. Making fun of sorority girls that conform to basic stereotypes.