It's an amazing feeling in college to have a support system and a group of friends that you can always count on. It's even more amazing when they honor you in front of their whole chapter. As a sweetheart, I've gotten the opportunity to grow even closer to a group of men who have been there for me throughout my time in college. Every sweetheart is a little bit different based off their school and the fraternity they're one for, but we can still bond over the fact that we have a lot in common. I asked a group of fraternity sweethearts on Facebook what were things they know about the experience we share, so thank you ladies for all your help. These are all the things that we as fraternity sweethearts know to be true.
1. You feel territorial when other girls show up at the house.
It's not that you don't like them, but these guys are yours. It's just what we do.
2. You refer to the new members as your babies.
Yes, new people, new friends! Nothing is better than having actives scold new members for not already knowing your name and your backstory the first time you meet them. These are your new little ones, your new family.
3. You become a baking professional.
Suddenly baking 90 cupcakes and 150 cookies in one day is easy and you put love into each one. You may slave away for hours over the oven, but it's worth it to hear their sighs of excitement and applause when you bring it to them.
4. They respect you enough to ask for your opinion on girls.
Just like us girls go to each other for advice on boys, the guys will come to you to ask what you think of a girl they're talking to. And just because you're so close to them, you can give them your honest opinion without them getting mad at you.
5. You feel honored to wear their letters.
You understand that they mean something to these boys and the fact that they let you wear them too means a lot. You respect those letters just as much as your own.
6.You learn to ignore the "locker talk."
You may go from having a conversation about classes to knowing more about other girls than you'd like to know to whatever else boys talk about (let's be real, I tune it out. I don't even know what boys talk about anymore.) You learn to just let them chat it out and jump back in when it's relevant to you again.
7. You know you can shamelessly promote your events.
If you aren't part of their fraternity's GroupMe/Facebook/Chat, you know all of them, so all you have to do is send one of them the picture and the details and they'll post it. On the other hand, if you do have access, you totally and shamelessly promote everything yourself. You know they won't say no because it's you.
8. You know they'll always have your back and you'll always have theirs.
If someone ever starts bad-mouthing you, you can be confident knowing that these boys will back you up and defend you until they're blue in the face and vice versa.
9. You're not only appreciated by them, but their families as well.
"Yes, Mom, I am eating vegetables. Yes, our sweetheart made us dinner. Yes, I'll tell her thanks for you."
10. You know that you'll always have a home.
Not only do you have your sisters/house, but you have this group of men that will do anything for you, including opening their home to you. It's like you have two homes away from home. Score!
11. You'll always have a date.
Lunch date, dinner date, date dash, formal. You name it and one of them will always be down to go with you.
12. You know what it's like to be a mom to a large group.
"When was the last time you boys cleaned up this house? How are you going to impress girls looking like this? Me? No, I don't count. I've already seen you at your worst. Get some sleep after you clean. It's a school night."
13. There's the inability to date.
If you're not dating one of them now, chances are you won't ever date one because you'll be like a "mom" or a "sister" to them. You can't really date outside either because they'll interrogate your date until he runs away in fear of them. Oh, well. You love your boys.
14. You know more "chapter business" than you should.
But you also know how to keep your mouth shut when other people start asking you about it. Respect, yo.
15. You meet other members from other chapters and they still treat you like a princess.
What can I say? I'm just loved everywhere.
16. You have a love/hate relationship with the sweetheart song.
You love the song and it's so cute when they sing it to you, but when they decide to randomly do it, it's embarrassing as hell.
17. You show up to intramural games with snacks or drinks.
Sometimes they ask what's wrong. Sometimes they just want to eat 12 cookies after winning (or losing). There's no in between.
18. The new members know you before they know the actives.
OK, so there's only one of you and what seems like a million actives to them, but still. You feel special.
19. You have 50+ Valentines every year.
So they don't actually take you to dinner or buy you anything, but they still love you.
20. You know more of them than you do your own sorority.
You've seen members graduate and you know their new members before half of them do. Meanwhile, you can't remember who someone's great-grand big in your chapter is.
21. You always have a ride home.
Someone always makes sure you make it home safely. Bless those sober monitors.
22. You always have a personal bodyguard.
"Hey, can you pretend to be my boyfriend for like 10 minutes so this creepy dude can stop hitting on me and leave me alone??"
23. Your boys get jealous when you hang out with other fraternities.
"What do you mean you went over to Sig Ep instead of hanging out with us? Fine, if that's the way you want to be, go hang out with them." Chill, dude. I still love you more than anything.
24. You have a nice balance of being an ultimate bro and being a classy lady.
It's a struggle being both, but you've mastered the fine art of it. *cue Hannah Montana music*
25. You know the feeling when you meet someone new and they follow up with, "you're the sweetheart, right?"
Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing. N don't cross me.
26. You know you can use their test bank if you really need it.
Perks of having these boys take the same classes. Give me your knowledge. Help me.
27. You feel loved when they put notes you've written them on the fridge in the house.
It's like when Mom used to put your math test on the fridge, but now it's boys who appreciate you.
28. You have VIP bathroom status at parties.
Sorry 'bout it, but the best of the best gets the best. *insert Kim K hair flip emoji*
29. The men treat your littles like princesses too.
We're a package deal. Lucky you.
30. You're a sweetheart for life.
This means free t-shirts while you're in school, having boys on their best behavior for you, meeting parents and alumni, getting invited to everything, being constantly loved on and having that family forever.
I think it's safe to say that we just really love being sweethearts for these guys. If you're also a sweetheart, feel free to drop your thoughts on being a sweetheart in the comments below!