For many, graduating high school and leaving the place you call home can have a dramatic affect on you, it is a milestone in your life. For the others, graduating high school, going onto college, joining the army, entering the work force, etc., is the first step to the rest of our lives; we opened a new chapter. Some of us rarely look back to high school, you forget all about it. When you do get the chance to look back, you remember the little things that you can't help but laugh at. Tennent became all of our home away from home. I would not trade my high school experience for anything, it has taught me important life lessons and molded me into the person I am today. This article is filled with 35 signs that you are an alumn of William Tennent High School.
1. The class of 2015 will be the first class to complete all 4 years at from the new school.
2. Mr. DeAngelis is the worse possible person to direct traffic at the end of the day.
3. The only reason you know it's Wednesday is because of Mr. T.
4. You will never fully understand why there is a Shop Rite in the school.
5. Randy takes his job very seriously, but honestly he would take a bullet for all of us.
6. Applebee's is the place to go after all school events.
7. The reason you are late in the morning is not because you left the house late, or you woke up later than usual. It is because the traffic director does not know how to direct traffic at all.
8. You walk in the snow, rain and cold to the front door instead of the side door. God forbid they are nice and open the side door.
9. No matter what hallway or bathroom you go in, there is always some nasty stuff in there.
10. If you don't run to you car at 2:17 you will sit in the parking lot for a good 10-15 minutes.
11. We have a bank that no one uses.
12. You continue to go to the football games and show support even though they loose almost all their games.
13. The smell from the lunch room lingered all the way through the first floor.
14. The one year we had 2 fire drills in one day and one real fire because of a hot pocket.
15. Spike was your favorite security guard, he always made you smile when you looked at him.
16. Why do we still not have a lacrosse team? Someone get on that please.
17. You know Mr. Goldsman, even if you didn't have him.
18. Mr. Swider will always be one of your favorite teachers.
19. You will always think of Miley Cyrus when you see Bassler.
20. You know there is something wrong if you don't see Dr. Best standing outside the library once you walk into school with his 1/100 cellphones in his hand and a Starbucks cup in the other.
21. Senior year, Mrs. Bielawski is your best friend. Seniors remember to thank her every chance you get.
22. Everyone who visits talks about how nice the new school is.
23. They called the cafeteria, "The Den".
24. Black and White is your favorite time of year. When you see the posters destroyed outside of the pool you die a little inside.
25. BWTV was amazing until the "bank robbery".
26. Digital Productions was your first choice elective.
27. Everyone harasses the superintendent if you don't get a snow day.
28. If there aren't cops is it really a day at Tennent?
29. Was gym class really gym? All everyone did was lay on the turf and take pictures.
31. Brad Fox charity volleyball game.
32. The first year of the new school we had to use the back entrance.
33. No one knows the F wing except for the art students.
34. You remember graduation day like it was yesterday.
35. Don't forget, we are white trash!