1. You sign a sheet of paper every night that says you won't leave.
2. The gym rush starts after the PRT instead on New Years.
3. If you miss a class you march in a circle for 3 hours or more.
4. You take a PE all 8 semesters and there is that one guy that always tries too hard.
5. You get paid.
6. Family style meals that are mandatory.
7. Some people still think it's weird if you date another student.
8. Almost everyone has an 8 am class.
9. You can walk across campus in 10 mins.
10. You have to keep your room spotless.
11. You rank your classmates and your underclass every semester.
12. Everyone plays a sport.
13. You can't go out whenever you want.
14. Saturday Morning Training is a thing.
15. Even if you don't have a first period, you have to be up by 7.
16. You can't walk and text at the same time.
17. Drill, parades, and march ons.
18. Freshmen can't be friends with upperclassmen.
19. You have a rifle and a bayonet in your closet.
20. Uniform inspections, like, all the time.
21. Dodging SELS and Officers.
22. Your ability to leave campus depends on how well sports teams do.
23. Freshmen can't drink, even if you're 21.
24. You can't start eating at meal until someone tells you to sit down.
25. You have to give up free periods to stand watch.
26. All your plans can get instantly denied, and there's not much you can do about it.
27. The lowest number of shots of espresso in a drink at Zeke's is 4.
28. Three weeks of summer vacation.
29. You have to jump of the 10 Meter to graduate.
30. At the end of the day we still love this place and the people around us!
"The views expressed, in "30 reasons why USNA is N*ot College" reflect personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Naval Academy, the United States Navy, any federal agency, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.”