30 personal reasons why I am extremely disappointed in the 2016 election results, moreover, 30 reasons why I didn't vote or support Donald Trump:
1. Because I am a woman
2. Because I have fear in my heart that Donald has no sense of morality
3. Because my parents are immigrants
4. Because I consider myself to be a woman of color
5. Because I don't support men "grabbing women by the pussy"
6. Because making fun of disable people is actually so f***ed up
7. Because I support people who identify as LGBTQA
8. Because I believe in equality
9. Because this country was founded on freedom of religion
10. Because I have self-respect
11. Because I recognize a "good" party platform holds no merit without morals
12. Because I would not feel safe in a room with Donald Trump
13. Because I wouldn't want my future daughters to think he is a leader
14. Because conversations about sexual assault being chalked up as "locker room talk" is rape culture
15. Because he constantly lies
16. Because I believe deep in my heart that he is not an inherently kind person
17. Because being accused of sexual assault by 12+ women is terrifying
18. Because the language he uses is vulgar and inappropriate as a politician
19. Because global warming is not a hoax invented by China
20. Because "Making our country Great again" insinuates that the US is shitty now, and I don't agree with that
21. Because I support the Pro-choice movement
22. Because he has gone bankrupt multiple times but claims to be an amazing business man
23. Because he treats minorites like lesser human beings
24. Because his running mate is Mike Pence
25. Because he is endorsed by the KKK
26. Because he has failed to respond to the serious questions our nation actually poses
27. Because I believe in the phrase "Live and let live"
28. Because Islamaphobia is complete crap and not all Muslims are terrorists
29. Because where is the love?
30. Because I believe that America is better than this, and that we deserve to elect a president who is worthy of the position