It has been a battle since the beginning of time: beer or wine. Wine people will whine about how disgusting beer is, but let's be truthful here, wine is pretty gross. Sorry, not sorry. Why do people even drink something that was crushed with other people's feet?! Wine doesn't soothe your soul like beer does after a long day.
After a long hot day, a nice cold beer hits the spot just right. Forget pairing wine with foods, beer and food go great together. Fish and chips with wine sounds disgusting, but fish and chips with a pint of Guinness is a match made in heaven. Conversations with friends flow better when you are all drinking a nice pint plus you make new friends drinking beer. Friends for life. Here are the 30 reasons why beer is better than wine, in case you need some reassurance.
1. Nobody ever said, "I want an ice cold wine" on a hot day. Nobody.
2. It's delicious.
3. Pouring it is majestic. Wine doesn't do this fancy witchcraft.
4. It really is majestic.
5. Songs about wine? There's like, one. Everyone sings about beer.
6. Drinking games with wine? Hilarious. Drinking games with beer? It's a sport.
7. A pint of Guinness a day keeps the Doctor away according to researchers.
8. A 2013 report from the International Journal of Endocrinology, Beer builds bones.
9. Beer commercials always make you cry.
10. Don't cry. Don't cry. Damn you, Budweiser puppy.
11. Another puppy ad?! Here come the feels.
12. Let me just cry into my beer.
13. Wine commercials don't make you cry like a baby.
14. Oh wait, 'cause there aren't a lot of wine commercials.
15. Beer commercials make you cry like a little baby.
16. James Bond drinks Heineken. #coolstatusnow
17. Did I mention it is delicious? 'Cause it is.
18. You can mix beer with ice cream. Guinness float, yummy.
19. In fact, Ben and Jerry's partnered with New Belgium Beer and made Ice Cream and Beer.
20. Are you drooling now? 'Cause it's delicious.
21. Beer names are unique and quirky.
22. Case and point.
23. Wine hangovers are the worst. Beer hangovers are rare.
24. Beer makes people bond. Bonding over your favorite beer is always the best. BB4FL (Best Beer Friends for Life.)
25. Even Beyoncé drinks beer.
26. Beer always looks majestic. Look at that can. Delicious.
27. Breweries are super cool. Drinking a Guinness looking at Dublin? It's super cool. You can't do that with wine.
28. No bottle opener? Don't worry. You can open a bottle with anything.
29. Even with another beer...
30. Or just use a table. You can't do that with wine.
Now sit back, relax and have a beer.