With every new year there is always a small amount of hope and optimism in the phrase "New Year, New Me ," but after the month of January passes you've come to learn that it's just the same old you. Throughout your years there have been many ridiculously high goals that you set out to accomplish and inevitably failed.
If I accomplished all my New Years Resolutions thus far since I was a kid, I would be fluent in multiple languages, play the guitar, broken many world records, know how to juggle and be on my way to the Olympics, no big deal. Sadly, none of these goals were even attempted. Instead of making no resolutions at all, there are a few easier strides you can take to being a better you.
Here are some realistic New Years goals that you have a fair chance of actually accomplishing!
1. Drink more water.
2. Limit your Starbucks spending to twice a week (or maybe three times).
3. Try not to eat out on the weekdays.
4. Go to the gym three times a week.
5. Make a new dinner each week.
6. Drink more tea.
7. Get in bed by 11 on weeknights.
8. Take a break from your phone every once in awhile.
9. Go one day a week without any sweets.
10. Read for 20 minutes before bed.
11. Learn to knit or sew or some new hobby.
12. Make a solid attempt at budgeting.
13. Stretch or do yoga every day.
14. Actually read the textbook chapter before class.
15. Give yourself more time to get to class in the mornings.
16. Actually take your makeup off before bed.
17. Organize your room once a week.
18. Don't cram the night before for all your test, or at least study the night before.
19. Delete unimportant emails instead of letting them pile up.
20. Don't bite your nails.
21. Eat a real breakfast and not just coffee.
22. Doing something on the weekend besides going out every once in awhile.
23. Do a Pinterest craft.
24. Save money and donate it to a charity.
25. Get more sleep!
26. Stop drunk ordering pizza.
27. Don't drink until Thursday nights.
28. Call people more instead of text.
29. Get a pet fish, they're cool.
30. Stop binge-watching Netflix before 8 a.m. classes.
31. Try new foods.
32. Turn your phone off while studying.
33. Eat your veggies.
34. Spend an allotted time each day on social media.
35. Go on a weekend trip with roommates.
This year your may not accomplish becoming an Olympian, learning multiple languages, or even breaking your Chipotle addiction, but you can accomplish some small goals.