30 Questions I Have For The University Of Scranton | The Odyssey Online
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30 Questions I Have For The University Of Scranton

Asking the real questions- like why can't I get ice cream up until 11pm and when will I meet Steve Carrell?

30 Questions I Have For The University Of Scranton
Grace Dickson

1. Do you realize how hard it is to avoid the freshmen 15 with all of the great food on campus?

2. Can we please get rid of the rule that we can't wear tank tops to the gym? (Where else am I going to wear that expensive Scranton pinnie I bought?)

3. Can we please be allowed to have cars on campus starting our sophomore year?

4. Why is Reddington built so differently than all of the other buildings on campus?

5. Why Starbucks and not Dunkin Donuts on campus?

6. Can we have Dog Therapy Day (at least) twice a semester?

7. How many free shirts do you give out a year, and is the amount the reason why my tuition is so high?

8. Purple is an unusual color for a college, so what made that Scranton's color?

9. Who named Iggy the mascot? And why is that his name?

10. Why is there no ice cream at Late Night?

11. Why must everything on campus open so late on the weekends? (some of us early risers want to get our day started)

12. Why is intercession so long? (I really don't mind the long break, I'm just curious)

13. Is there any way ROTC could not practice right outside my window at 5:30 am? That is not my preference of alarm clocks.

14. Is there really a sauna and steam room in the locker rooms in the Byron center? And can I use them?

15. Why isn't there a way to reserve rooms in LSC like there is in the library?

16. Can we have a gallery that is strictly dedicated to the beautiful sunsets seen on campus?

17. Why are there no bus trips to places like Nay Aug Park or the malls?

18. Can there be a class about "The Office"? And maybe about the history of girls who have met their own Jim Halpert at Scranton?

19. How did the University of Scranton end up developing such a wonderful community? Where did they go right?

20. Why is there no Insomnia Cookies near campus?

21. Why don't you require all professors to post grades on D2L? (It would make a gal who gets stressed over grades very easily, very happy)

22. Why isn't there a more consistent attendance policy for when there is something like a death in the family? There should be a campus-wide policy and should not be left up to the professor.

23. Why don't you make University of Scranton textbooks more affordable for students? Making them more accessible to everyone.

24. Why the heck is the elevator in GLM and LSC so slow?

25. Why did we get rid of our football team?

26. Why is Scranton called Steamtown, USA, with a museum and all, but yet has no train station for people to use? (It would be an extremely helpful form of transportation for students to use)

27. How did you manage to find the nicest maintenance staff in the world?

28. How many Christmas trees are there in total on campus during the holiday season?

29. Why is first floor of the library always five degrees???

30. Do you think we could look into getting the cast of "The Office" to come visit campus?

The University of Scranton is the best home away from home I could have asked for, but I would greatly appreciate some answers to these questions (especially number 30).

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