Game day rituals are a part of every athlete's routine. Whether it be some silly superstition or a "pump up" playlist that gets you hyped for the game, there is always some little quirk that every athlete does before each game. This list proves just how interesting these rituals can be for athlete's getting prepared for the big game.
1. Praying.
2. Wearing the socks for the right foot on the left.
3. Listening to calming music.
4. Listening to motivational songs.
5. Not being able to shave a week before.
6. Doing the same stretches on the field right as the game begins.
7. Handshakes with a teammate.
8. Slapping each other to get hyped.
9. Eating pasta the night before.
10. Never washing a certain piece of clothing until they lose.
11. Not showering until losing.
12. Eating one Oreo.
13. Visualizing the win.
14. Sleeping with your sports equipment.
15. Drinking energy drinks before a game.
16. Choosing certain sides if winning the coin toss.
17. Chewing gum (sometimes even during).
18. Rubbing someone's head.
19. Kissing someone's head.
20. Belt out the national anthem.
21. Juggling the soccer ball 100 times.
22. Not wearing deodorant.
23. Clipping their fingernails during halftime.
Every athlete does something the same before every game, each one reaching different extremes. People make fun of them sometimes, but when you need to get your head right before the game, it's whatever works for you.