We all go through our life, day in and day out, appreciating the big events which bring us happiness. We look forward to birthdays, Christmas morning, being successful in our career, receiving an award, or even making a good grade on a test. However, of these big events, the happiness seems to get lost in the hustle bustle of stress. It's truly the smaller, simple joys in life that make happiness worth while. The simplicities of life are one we all experience regularly. Here are some of the simplicities we all go through in our everyday lives.
1. Sonic's Happy Hour.
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2. Getting into bed with freshly cleaned sheets.
3. Rubbing your eyes when you don't have on any makeup.
4. Finding surprise money in your pockets.
5. Receiving mail in your mailbox.
6. Hearing the song on the radio that has been in your head all day.
7. Finishing your "To-Do" list.
8. Making someone else laugh.
9. Going for a walk on a breezy, spring day.
10. Reminiscing with your closest friends.
11. Using a warm towel after a shower.
12. Receiving a compliment you didn't expect from someone.
13. The exact moment when something finally makes sense or an idea you created actually works.
14. Having five more minutes to sleep.
15. Bra off. Hair up. Sweatpants on.
16. A smell that brings back memories.
17. When someone you care about shows that they know more about you than you thought.
18. Taking your shoes off after a long day.
19. Being able to look at someone and know that you're both thinking the same thing.
20. The first bite of a delicious meal.
21. The moment you realize that you can get past whatever difficulty it is that you're facing.
22. The first time someone you haven't seen in a while hugs you.
23. Walking out of the hair salon just after you had your hair cut or colored.
24. Finding the clothes you've been looking for on the clearance rack.
25. The excitement your dog has when you come home.
26. When the recipe you've spent hours working on comes out perfectly.
27. The look on someone's face the first time they see the ocean.
28. The sound of slow rain on a tin roof.
29. When the fair comes into town.
30. Finding your own happy place, and knowing you're the happiest you can be with your life.